Challenger II: Ultra Modern (miniature) wargames rules For battle group level games 1950-1995 These rules I hope balance playability with the complexity of modern warfare and cover the use of most of the weapon systems in use or likely to be used in the next decade. The sequence of play is designed to give a fully integrated move and fire system between...
This 92 page handbook provides the most comprehensive coverage of all armoured vehicles, artillery, helicoptes and missiles which are in service or have been in service since the 1950s. The data is laid out for Tabeltop Games Challenger II rules and WRG's Armoured Warfare 1950 to 1985, but is also detailed enough to be of interest to other armoured vehicle...
Chaotic Ops is a 1/35th scale skirmish level game based on today’s Special Forces and the enemies they face. The first supplement, featuring Law Enforcement and Criminal Organizations, is currently in the composition stage. Players will be able to take control of elite military units, terrorist cells, any number of law enforcement agencies, drug cartels or...
Miniature wargame rules for Infantry Action in Vietnam 1965 - 1968. Charlie Company is designed to serve as an ongoing miniatures campaign game which reflects those peculiar circumstances that were a part of Infantry Combat in Vietnam. As such the rules are designed to focus on the Infantry Company and its supporting arms, and not on Special Forces...
"It is dawn. Enemy forces can be heard assembling over the ridge to the south. Your commander has ordered you to hold your position at all cost. You feel that if you can only knock out the enemy armor before it spots your positions, you will stand a chance of surviving to see evening chow. ..." Sounds pretty wargamish, doesn't it, but don't let this fool...
From the publisher, Area movement, simultaneous combat, NO CRT (though there will be plenty of die rolling), options for both true Offensive and Defensive combat for both players, chrome in the form of special units, rules and die roll modifiers and best of all, only two to four pages of rules so you can get into the game quickly. Once you learn the rules...