From the publisher: Welcome to the world of Two Hour Wargames! Chain Reaction 2015 is an introduction to Two Hour Wargames. It’s a complete game – not a teaser – and is free. Chain Reaction 2015 is a set of man-to-man combat rules that can be played in a variety of periods and with any figures you may already have. Chain Reaction 2015, like all THW games...
As far as I know this is the only set of miniatures rules specifically dealing with air-to-air combat between helicopters, though air-to-ground and ground-to-air combat is also covered. The rules are intended for use with 1/300th scale miniatures and the other game scales are as follows: 1 model = 1 aircraft, vehicle, infantry platoon 1 turn = 10-15...
Challenger 2000 is a rulebook focusing on modern warfare from 1970 up to 1995. It is at 6mm (1:300) scale and focuses on battle groups (company level). It introduces rules for new weapons and equipment, such as Explosive Reactive Armour, modified missiles to deal with it, countermeasures (including anti-missile systems) and sensors. Major changes from...
Challenger II: Ultra Modern (miniature) wargames rules For battle group level games 1950-1995 These rules I hope balance playability with the complexity of modern warfare and cover the use of most of the weapon systems in use or likely to be used in the next decade. The sequence of play is designed to give a fully integrated move and fire system between...
This 92 page handbook provides the most comprehensive coverage of all armoured vehicles, artillery, helicoptes and missiles which are in service or have been in service since the 1950s. The data is laid out for Tabeltop Games Challenger II rules and WRG's Armoured Warfare 1950 to 1985, but is also detailed enough to be of interest to other armoured vehicle...
Chaotic Ops is a 1/35th scale skirmish level game based on today’s Special Forces and the enemies they face. The first supplement, featuring Law Enforcement and Criminal Organizations, is currently in the composition stage. Players will be able to take control of elite military units, terrorist cells, any number of law enforcement agencies, drug cartels or...