1. Slipper-star race. The three slippers of the same color are placed in the large slippers of the same color. The players take turns to roll and move. After every 6, you can roll the die again. If there is already another slipper on the space that your slipper has to be placed on, your own slipper is placed next to it. The slippers are now placed forward...
The game board represents a pond that is divided into smaller and larger spaces. In the middle of the pond is a small raised plate as an island. The game includes spiders, frogs and flies. The spiders initially use the small island as a place to stay. The large spaces are intended for the frogs, while the spiders and flies are supposed to move on the small...
Piritorin Ylitys is a board game for 2 people, a cartoonish variant of the Chinese game Jungle or dou shou qi. The setting is Piritori, an infamous market square in Helsinki (Piritori could be translated as Amphetamine square), and the characters are caricatures of the regulars (f.ex. security guard, junkie, snooping neighbor). The other player tries to...
A 2-player abstract game played on a chess-style board, where opposing pieces (of three distinct kinds: cubes, pyras and tetras) seek to win by capturing the fourth and leader piece of each army: the sphere. Each piece moves exactly as many squares as it has corners: tetras move three squares, pyras five and cubes eight. No pieces can be jumped, but pieces...
The number of players must be at least 5, the more the better. The order is determined by placing the numbered playing pieces and Puck upside down on the table and drawing one for each player. From the 2nd game onwards, however, Puck is always the one that reaches space 62 first in the last game. The other players each pay 10 tokens into the till, start at...
In the world of Tomatatlo, the economy is powered by friendship, and violence is prohibited. Friendships are randomly assigned and max out at three, but those who want to choose their own friends must work laboriously to discover the secret trick to cast off their current friendships. However, rumors tell of an underground dance battle tournament in which...
This is a two-player abstract strategy game released by the Wilder Mfg. Co., taking advantage of the timely radio trend. It is NOT the same game as those released by Parker Brothers, Milton Bradley, or Alderman-Fairchild with identical titles. Gameplay is based on Checkers, with each player given five counters, called "messages," which they attempt to get...
Rai-Net is a Japanese board game based off the 1980s German game Good & Bad Ghosts but with clear differences. It originated in an anime called Steins;Gate as a spin-off of the in-universe media franchise RaiNet Kakeru. It has since been been manufactured by GigasDrop for fans to enjoy. In an 8x8 grid square board two players receive a set of 4 Virus Cards...
Räuber u. Gendarm Each player has 8 tokens. The robber player places his tokens on the 8 gray spaces. The gendarme player starts from the red spaces. Movement is one space per turn or one or more jumps over friendly or opposite tokens. Opposite tokens are turned over to change sides and may be placed on any free space. The game ends if one player has no...
The game includes 9 white pawns (soldiers), 9 black pawns(soldiers), 2 red pawns (robbers). At the bottom of the board place the soldiers, black on black and white on red. Their movement is only forward from space to space. The two robbers are placed anywhere on the towers of the robber's castle. They may march forwards and backwards to the next space, or...
Each player has to move his 4 meeples along the track to the spaces of his own color to win the game. The players take turns to throw die die and move a meeple accordingly. If a meeple gets on a space occupied by the meeple of another player, the latter is thrown out and has to start again. There are also spaces from where the meeples jump many spaces...
Re is a popular Chess variant. The game is played on a 5x5 board. When the game starts, the board is empty. Each player starts with 10 player pieces: One king, one queen, two rooks, two knights, two bishops, and two pawns. On your turn, you can do one of the following three things: Put one of your pieces (not yet put into play) on an empty square on the...