An abstract game of invading and securing territory using standard pieces that move with different ranges depending on the pieces around them when they are placed, or first moved, on a turn. With experience, it is dynamic, sharp and tactical. The game starts with 3 stones on the board. Each turn consists of 2 moves. Pieces are normally added at the...
There are four starting places on the board. Each player takes 4 figures of the same color and places them in the starting position of the same color. The players take turns to roll and move. When moving, one skips over all other figures and only counts the empty spaces. The winner is the player who brings his 4 vagabonds to the finish line first. One can...
The Tobruk Game is an Australian post World War 2 strategy War game where two opposing armies set out to capture each others flags. Each side has 33 pieces of different army ranks, from Generals to Sappers and mines and a spy. The board is a grid and armies deploy their pieces in any arrangement from behind a lake. Players take turn to advance any piece...
A unique modern take on the classic game. The counterstrike variant adds a level system and special powers to all of the pieces, introduces a simple resource management of counters, and adds additional tactical options in the form of counters. In chess counterstrike, each piece has a maximum of 3 levels. The level of the piece is increased by placing a...
The rules are the same as regular chess, except for these changes. Every piece has a nominal value attached to them. E.g. The Queen is worth six, a Pawn is worth one. Pieces move like in traditional chess. You can capture opposing pieces, which will then transform them according to their former value minus the value of the opposing piece, into the piece...
On a 10x8 playing field, 2 players start from the baseline with their 15 number tiles ranging in value from 1 to 16 (13 is missing). The goal is to reach the opponent's baseline with 3 stones, or to hit so many of the opponent's stones that he becomes unable to move. The number stones may be moved one square at a time. The special feature of the game is to...
OBJECTIVE - Trap the enemy, capture their throne! TROSS is Norwegian meaning “to spite”. You must cleverly outwit your opponent without completely eliminating their pieces. You might have to spite your own pieces to do so. TROSS moves like checkers BUT you get punished for removing your opponent's pieces from the board. Unlike checkers, the objective is...
Based on Othello’s turning pieces ability and moves based on Chess moves, with only three different pieces, an external and internal ring and a main button, arrangement turns it simple and complex at same time. It is a game about take and turnover pieces between 2 players. First player to perform checkmate at all enemy Castles wins the match. In other...
Twisting Chess adds 2 new characters to the original chess game with different abilities for a new game balance. Twisting Chess is a game for all ages and levels of competency in the original game. Fun for new as well as experienced chess players! The classic Chess game is a fantastic game for young and old. It's fairly easy to learn, but super hard to...