Alpha Gamma 5 is a boardgame for 2 players Ages 8 and up. Both players command armies of ships and make "moves" to deploy the ships to attack the other player's ships. The player with the sole surviving ships in both galaxies, wins the game. Ships are powered with shield power, electra-volt (universal power) and phaser power which is used in the game. Also...
Pre-Order Now: Alphabet Stoop is a turn-based, word building, tile placement game that is sure to deliver fun to your doorstep! Play as a parcel delivery person dropping off packages (letter tiles) on stoops and using them to spell words. Move your package carriers from stoop to stoop. Carriers must always move via...
You have been given the opportunity to design the trail system of a national forest in the Rocky Mountains. You will build trails that wander through various habitats and pass by waterfalls. You'll develop campsites and leave other areas as pristine habitats for the alpine wildlife. Players will simultaneously draw 2 random tiles and place them into their...
Alquad is a pattern building game using the Alquerque board. Players attempt to create a regular square by adding pieces to empty intersections and placing their own pieces at their vertices. However, even if you complete a square, you lose if your opponent creates a larger rectangle on your next turn. This game is included in ''Generic Board Alquerq''...
The game of Alquerque is played on a special board of 5 x 5 points with lines between them to indicate allowed moves. To draw a board is easy. First draw a 5 x 5 orthogonal grid. The draw two diagonal lines - from each corner to the opposite corner. Finally draw four diagonal lines in the form of a square that connects the midpoints of each side. Alquerque...
A board with triangle and rhombus spots for the playing pieces, diagonally arranged black starting squares and coloured squares for finish spots in the middle. On that special board a dice and movement game is played with special dice, which denote up, down, right, left, double move and lose a turn, directions rolled give a move of one spot, double move...
Alta is a connection game played on a diamond-shaped board. An unusual twist of the game is that players place diagonal lines, called "switches," in the squares, which can be slanted either forward or backward. A player can either put a new switch on the board or "toggle" the direction of one of his switches. The object of the game is to connect two...
From Zillions of Games: Altairian Checkers, recently decoded from SETI transmissions, is a checkers/draughts type game played on a radial hex board with four hexes to a side. Each player starts with ten pieces called Pods arranged on opposite sides of the board. A Pod moves by orbiting a neighboring piece of either color, called the pivot. A Pod can orbit...
Altan Xaraacaj is a traditional game from Mongolia. The object of the game is to get your 3 pieces in a row. Players take turns to enter one of their pieces on any vacant point, trying to get 3 in a row. When all the pieces are entered, with still no series of 3 in a row, players take turns moving their pieces on the next point, provided it is vacant. The...
(Description from the box) The game of strategy and wit for two players involving thirteen geometric elements and an invisible force. The geometric shape of the individual playing pieces indicates how they may be moved, while maintaining a simple visual and tactile quality. The invisible force relies on the imagination of the players. The concept is...