“Solo Card Game System simulating the Arab Israeli Wars 1948+. Currently only cards set for the Israeli War of Independence is available. The player takes the role of the Israelis. Arab deployments are automatic.” The game is played on three Fronts: the Northern Frontier (Galilee), Central Frontier (Jerusalem), and Southern front (Negev). Each Front is...
Arabian Nightmare: The Kuwait War, was designed and published while the late 1990 events in Kuwait were still unfolding, so in effect it was a near-future game which became an historical game within a few months. The game has one map and 300 counters. The map covers the Persian Gulf, Saudi Arabia, the eastern part of Iraq and its border with Iran....
First an add-on for Arabian Nightmare: The Kuwait War. Adding a map of Western Iraq and additional counters, plus rules for expanded games as originally published, plus an Operation Desert Sword scenario (since re-named "Operation Desert Sabre"). Game Scale: Turn: 1-3 days for Military Action Segments (combat units), 3-6 days for Political Action Segments...
"Arabistan Fleet is a contemporary game of naval warfare taking place in Middle East, focusing on Persian Gulf and Iran. Time Scale : - 8 hours per turn - 80 km per hex. The players maneuver war ships, submarines, aircrafts, amphibious war ships and cargos on a map covering Asia from Iran to Indonesia. The game reuse rules from Victory Games Fleet series...
The Aragón Front is an operational simulation depicting the successive campaigns along the Ebro river valley, in Eastern Spain, during her last bloody Civil War (1936/39). The game is a two player, chit pulling and hex movement design; counters range from regiment/brigade to division and hexes span 10km (6 miles) from side to side. The game can be played...
A modern arms miniatures game that seems to have grown out of the advances made in the BGWWII rules. It includes scenarios for WWI, WWII, Angola, Vietnam, and the Boxer Rebellion. The scale is 1:1 skirmish. Arc of Fire (AoF) is intended for games employing forces up to company level, with from one squad to three platoons on each side using 10mm-28mm...
In an alternate 1985, Soviet tanks rolled across the West German border…but that wasn’t the only battleground the Superpowers came to blows. One of these battlegrounds was Scandinavia. This scenario pack is Volume 1 of a new series meant to address the question “What is occurring in these “Other Fires” of the Third World War. The scenarios cover tank...
In Arctic Armies, two teams of penguins throw snowballs at each other to score points. It's part area control, part deck builder in which your 4x4 group of penguin troops first throw snowballs in a ranged attack phase and then go head to head in melee attack. You use cards to buff both ranged and melee attacks, or use special ability cards to get an edge...
AWACS: Gulf War is loosely based on the events of the First Gulf War, but isn’t a typical, realistic and historically accurate ruleset. Instead, you can expect quick, thrilling and fun B-movie style action! Within this box you will find nearly everything needed to start playing: 62 unpainted, fine metal miniatures in 1/600 scale, 62 bases (stems for...
Armageddon War is a platoon level game set in the near future. The first module focuses on the Mid-East, pitting Israelis against age-old adversaries, and a revitalized Russia against the United States. There are no turns, just continuous activations. The intensity of a unit’s close combat modifier is determined by its morale, and when you fire on a unit...
The expansion includes rules for playing Armageddon War solitaire, six solitaire scenarios in a loose campaign, counters and cards. Each hex of enemy units in a solitaire scenario will have a “stance” counter, “aggressive”, “cautious” or “defensive”. When an enemy formation activates, each hex of units will draw a card and act according to the keywords on...