Army Men: Card Combat is a dirt simple, two player wargame that’s playable with only a handful of plastic Army Men and a pack of standard playing cards. The game was designed with kids in mind and is a great way to introduce your younglings to the world of wargaming. In pursuit of this goal, the game is built on a simple foundation drawing on the classic...
"Asean Fleet is a contemporary game of naval warfare taking place in South-East Asiatic. Time Scale : - 8 hours per turn - 80 km per hex. The players maneuver war ships, submarines, aircrafts, amphibious war ships and cargos on a map covering. The game reuse rules from VictoryGames Fleet series, but includes new weapons as missiles, ground launched...
Asian Fleet Expansion / Plan Orange This is an extension for Asian Fleet with new rules,scenarios, counters, play aids, no map. And What-if scenarios Plan Orange, conflict Conflict between the U.S.A and Japan. It can not be used unless it has Asian Fleet The game reuse rules from Victory Games Fleet series, but includes new weapons as missiles, grond...
The designer of this 'Game' has taken it upon himself to devise an "Exercise" for actual Military Command Staff Officers(and supposedly to introduce them to the "horrifying aspects of modern Airmobile Infantry Operations For the components, you have: the game-box~overall WHITE with a 'Military'-style map of a very small portion of the "Saudi-Iraq-Kuwait"...
Assault - Tactical Combat in Europe: 1985, is the first game in the Assault series of games. Assault postulates a conventional conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union in the European environment in 1985." Assault, the first game in the Assault Series, includes U.S. and Soviet ground forces. The game uses 250 meter hexes, 5 minute turns, and...
Reinforcements - New U.S. and Soviet Units for Assault, is the first Assault Series module, and it required Assault or Boots & Saddles to play. From the back cover, "Now you can have a complete set: with this module, plus Assault and Boots & Saddles, you will have counters for every type of U.S. and Soviet maneuver unit likely to be in central Europe..."...
Bundeswehr - NATO's Front Line, is the second Assault Series module, and it required Assault or Boots & Saddles to play. Bundeswehr gives you . . . Leopard 1 and 2 tanks, Marder APCs, Luchs and Fuchs reconnaissance vehicles, Jaguar antitank vehicles . . . PAH-1 attack helicopters and Gepard air defense guns, for use with Boots & Saddles. Combat Engineering...
Chieftain: The British Army of the Rhine, provides a complete array of British equipment and maneuver units, from Chieftain and Challenger tanks through MCV-80 and Saxon APCs. Not only are the well-equipped forward elements presented, but the light security elements that form BAOR's vital reinforcements are included as well. Chieftain also presents the...
Game published in Vae Victis 92. Assaut sur Suez is a game covering the French and English attack on Suez during the operation Mousquetaire on 5th an d6th November 1956. The game has a point to point map divided in 8 sectors (Gameel, Cimetiere, Port-sair, gold, Rasawa, Route Sud, Port-Fouad, Marias salants). Each point connection represents 400m. The game...
This theater book aims to model a theoretical conventional conflict between Russia and the NATO alliance in eastern Europe in the early 2020s. This scenario could be an alternative to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, an escalation of said conflict, or a campaign conducted upon its conclusion. A core tenet of this book is the time frame being modelled is only...