THE STORY Year 2067: global warming is no longer a prophecy but a reality. The world, as we know it, has changed. Cities, governments, and nationalities got diluted giving way to a single world power, the World Federation. This new order represents few privileged, citizens of former first powers who today live protected from the chaos and misery that...
(from MMP's webpage:) Angola recreates a brief portion of the violent, decades-long Angolan civil war that began in the 1970s with the fall of a colonial power and dragged its bloody way into the 21st century thanks in part to cold war politics. Angola is a multi-player game in which players control the various Soviet- and US-backed factions that vied for...
Angola is a simulation of the 1987-88 campaign which was the culmination of the civil war in that country during the height of the Cold War. This campaign saw major offensives by both sides, with considerable intervention by the armed forces of Cuba and South Africa. Among other things, Angola saw some of the biggest armored actions of the Cold War. The...
Angola 1988 is a simulation of the campaign pitting Cubans and Angolans against UNITA and South Africans in July 1987-July 1988. One player controls three factions (MPLA, SWAPO, Cuban forces) while the other controls three factions (FLEC/FNLA, UNITA and SADF, or South African Defense Forces). Difficulty : 6 / 10 Solo-playability : 4 / 10 Duration : 3 - 4...
Global warming has melted the great ice sheets. No Polar caps remain. The oceans are free. Iceberg memories… that's all they are. Gone are the magnificent harbors that once dotted the shores of every land. The waters have risen more than 80 meters. Land is everything! Millions are starving. Fertile plains are no more. The great grain belts of the world...
“The spiders are on the march, they have their sights set on Antburger Hill, Grid Ref. 86N 27.4E. The bugle sounds and Ants scurry to man hurried fortifications. With stout hearts the defenders stand in wait for the spiders to rush their hill.” The ants must defend their anthill against the rush of the spider hordes. “Hold that hill at all costs.” Using...
This was the Games Workshop licenced version of The Warlord that only had half the original mapboard (Western Europe), was only for 4 players, and had some amended game-rules. It went on to earn a dedicated following of its own but GW never developed or re-issued the product after the initial release. Game start was different, decided by random allocation...
The Arab Israel Fleet is a contemporary game of naval warfare taking place in Middle East, focusing on Persian Gulf and Iran. Time Scale : - 8 hours per turn - 80 km per hex. The players maneuver war ships, submarines, aircrafts, amphibious war ships and cargos on a map covering near East, Caspian Sea and Black sea. The game reuse rules from Victory Games...
(From Box) "Now you can re-fight the battles that determined the fate of nations. Victories that strike like lightning, if you can win them--like the victories of Israeli arms in 1956 and 1967. Battles that were mammoth struggles for crossroads and passes and battles that were pinprick raids. The military forces of Egypt, Israel, Jordan, and Syria are...