Defiance - The Battle of Xuan Loc (11 April 1975) - Combat Series No. 2 - A Vietnam War Game (designer Perry Moore) by Swedish Game Production. Defiance - The Battle of Xuan Loc includes a three-color map, 130 die cut counters, typeset rules and charts, and ziplock bags for counter storage. The game achieves accurate simulation by means of special rules...
Delta Six Patrol is a solitaire D6-based tactical wargame system in which players use D6 dice to represent friendly and enemy team composition and firepower to complete challenging missions while engaging randomly generated enemy units. Players recruit team members, specialists, and equipment based on mission parameters and points. Teams traverse...
“Board & card game for 2 players. Highly abstracted skirmish level combat. Simulation of a counter-terrorist team operation. One side is the commandos: Delta/SAS/GSG-9/GIGN/etc. The other side is Terrorists holding hostages in a building. Victory: To win the Delta team must kill all the terrorists before taking 4 casualties. The Terrorists win if they kill...
Originally published in Modern War magazine #44 (Nov-Dec 2019). Desert One War: US in the Persian Gulf, 1979-81 - is a hypothetical operational level two player wargame covering US and allied intervention in the Persian Gulf during the 1970s and 1980s. The game has several scenarios. Two scenarios cover a US invasion of Iran in the aftermath of the Iranian...
Desert Sabre is a light, fast-playing solitaire or team-play game of the Allied Coalition ground campaign in Operation Desert Storm to liberate Kuwait, defeat the Iraqi Army and Republican Guard, and seize key objectives to compell Iraq's removal from Kuwait in February 1991. Played on a small (7x7 hexes) map of southern Iraq and Kuwait, the game includes...
A comprehensive treatment of Operation Desert Shield and Operation Desert Storm (and possibly beyond) that features the build-up, air war, ground war, the political maneuvering, and an entire card-driven subsystem that portrays the significant media-driven events throughout the war that affected the strategy and the conduct of the war for both sides. Yet...
A comprehensive simulation of Operation Desert Storm based upon newly declassified archives of the 1991 Gulf War. Desert Storm: The Hundred Hour War simulates the 1991 Persian Gulf War as a military conflict and also as a political contest prior to and during Operation Desert Storm. Better yet, the rules allow alternative Iraqi strategies that may have...
Desert Storm: The Mother of All Battles is a one- or two-player operational simulation of the Gulf War. It focuses almost exclusively on the Coalition ground war that liberated Kuwait and shattered the occupying Iraqi army. The game includes a 22" x 34" hex map of the significant terrain in the Kuwaiti Theatre of Operations, 192 counters, and 20 pages of...
Published in Command # 16, Operation Desert Weirdness expands the "Desert Storm: The Mother of All Battles" base game. This expansion adds new counters for Japanese, Soviet and Iranian. And new rules and scenarios for Iranian intervention in the Iraqi side, and Soviet intervention in the Iraqi or Coalition side. The Desert Storm: The Mother of All Battles...