The assassination of Archon Melissa Steiner-Davion in 3055 sent shockwaves throughout the Federated Commonwealth. In the secessionist Isle of Skye, it lit the fires of rebellion once again. The Free Skye Separatist movement brought things to a boil in April 3056 on the insignificant world of Glengarry. Only one obstacle stood in their way: the venerable...
During the Fourth Succession War, the fiercest fighting lay along the contentious Draconis March, pitting the elite DCMS not against the forces of the Federated Suns, but against a singular mercenary enemy: Wolf's Dragoons. The firestorm that erupted on Misery fanned the hatred of Coordinator Takashi Kurita, who gave his now-famous "Death to Mercenaries!"...
When The Republic of the Sphere was founded by Devlin Stone after the Word of Blake Jihad, Sun-Tzu Liao was forced to give up many of his worlds to the new nation. Several times in the following decades the Capellan Confederation tried and failed to reclaim those worlds, including the ancestral homeworld of Liao. But Sun-Tzu's son, Daoshen, is crafty and...
For the planet Vega, the collapse of the hyperpulse generator network signaled the beginning of four years of chaos. Beset by terrorists, foreign invaders and the shattering of the planetary militia in a devastating civil war, the world descended into a seemingly endless spiral of death and destruction. Ruthless warlords divided the land and fought amongst...
In the waning years of the Third Succession War, Takashi Kurita moved to take Mallory's World from House Davion's Federated Suns. Taking advantage of Davion's preparations elsewhere, the Coordinator dispatched several regiments only to be thwarted by First Prince Ian Davion. Though the First Prince met his death at the hands of Yorinaga Kurita, the DCMS...
Into the Alliance! Reeling from their war with Clan Wolf, the Crusaders of Clan Jade Falcon were spoiling for action against a worthy foe. Khan Marthe Pryde seized the opportunity to test both her fledgling warriors and the strength of the newly formed Lyran Alliance. The Falcon march to Coventry would bear a fruit that no one could have anticipated...
Rendered mostly barren through centuries of warfare, the world of Antallos is dotted with death zones, long-lost treasure troves of Star League technology, and city-states that once vied for rulership. The rise of Vance Rezak and his Band of the Damned stabilized the ancient pirate haven, creating a power base of terror along the Combine and Alliance...
Never really considered a major blip in the newly-created Second Star Leagues' plan, Luzerne--through simple chance--became listed in the history books as one of the longest and desperate campaigns during Operation BULLDOG. The former Combine system became the defining moment for Clan Smoke Jaguar on the eve of their demise. Battered and beaten, the Clan...
Taiw...St. Ives Free In 3226, revolutionaries have freed Taiw...St. Ives from the oppression of the Third League. But are the people of Taiw...St. Ives really free? Or are they just trading on oppressor for another? With the Third League unlikely to stand for treason, Taiw...St. Ives will be the center of the universe for a brief period. Turning Points:...
(Publisher description) AS DARKNESS DESCENDS... In 3132, eighty percent of the hyperpulse generators in the Inner Sphere shut down, silencing virtually all interstellar communications between the thousands of worlds humankind called home. Remembering the horrors of the Jihad that ended just half a century before, paranoid citizens and opportunistic leaders...
(Publisher information) ENEMIES AT THE GATES It is the year 3145. Only thirteen years have passed since Gray Monday—the day that most of humanity’s interstellar communications grid suddenly and mysteriously collapsed. Plunged into darkness and fearing the worst, the leaders and armies of the Inner Sphere scrambled to act, some fearing the approach of...
A lifeless planet with a bloody past, New Dallas was a mere footnote in history until the Devil's Brigade mercenaries rediscovered an ancient artifact in the early days of the Jihad. Their discovery revealed a secret history, long buried and believed lost. Home to the vast Hegemony Central Intelligence Directorate, New Dallas has been a lostech...