When the first waves of explorers and settlers departed Terra for the great black ocean, not all looked to the future—some longed for the traditional values of the past. One such group made their new home on Old Kentucky, a world near the heart of humanity which has persevered through centuries of abandonment, conflict and conquest. Touring the Stars: Old...
Promised Land was not exactly as the colonization brochures described, but was settled nevertheless. A chance encounter during the early Star League saved the planet from abandonment, and the struggling colony remained. Long a border waystation between the Lyran Commonwealth and the Free Worlds League, Promised Land's history is the story of overcoming the...
Once an exotic and beautiful planet known for its large, naturally-occurring crystalline formations, Tyrfing was a provincial capital for the defunct Terran Hegemony. Savaged by the Star League Civil War, Tyrfing was damaged beyond repair by a five-way battle between all of the Great Houses during the early Succession Wars. Descending into a dangerous...
The two thousand worlds of human space often claim to have some incredible beauty spot that is unrivaled by any other world. Some worlds claim to be the most beautiful entire world known to humanity. Statistically, one has to be correct, and that world is Mizar. This freakish accident of planetology has thrilled tourists, earned a title as champion party...
While the Outworlds Alliance shrunk on ComStar’s maps for two hundred years, not all of disappearing worlds died. The “Outworlds Wastes” also included secessionists, would-be pocket imperial capitals, abandoned worlds, pirate havens, pirates’ victims, and imagined sanctuaries from the bloody Succession Wars. Wynn’s Roost was one such world, alternately...
Stotzing was not an easy planet to settle. The first colony, Eisenstadt, failed after less than a decade and its location was lost to historians for almost five centuries. The final throes of The Jihad caused the announcement of the discovery to be relegated to the small number of archaeologists and historians interested in lost colonies. But there was one...
In the fires of the Jihad, a handful of brave souls placed honor before duty, service before survival, and the people of their shattered nation before all others. Considered traitors by some but heroes by those they watch over, the First Marik Protectors rose from the ashes of the Free Worlds League to protect worlds at the far-flung edge of their fallen...
Born in the fires of Operation: GUERRERO, Holt’s Hilltoppers took on missions from the Periphery to the Chaos March, displaying grit and tenacity to rival any famed mercenary command. Action against Periphery pirates earned the Hilltoppers a reputation as savage defenders, but disaster during the St. Ives War nearly ended the command’s existence. Steadfast...
Nearly every faith in human history has had its militant, stalwart protectors of the light ready to cast down those who would question the true path. The vision of Blessed Blake is no different. The creation of the Republic and its disbanding of the Com Guard cast a deep shadow, but true faith endures. Now, amid a Dark Age, the light of Blake is needed...
After the Jihad, Inner Sphere border worlds were no longer easy pickings for Periphery pirate bands. Instead, they returned their attention to the Periphery’s weaker nations. The nascent military and non-existent intelligence assets of the Fronc Reaches made the young nation a particularly tempting target. Opposing them were the Colonial Marshals, who...
In the right place, a few small rocks can change the course of a river. The Seekers of Clan Goliath Scorpion and the Escorpion Imperio have long sought out relics of the past which they believe will steer their course. But relics are not the only rocks: one small unit and its warriors changed the path of the Clan and the Imperio. The saKhan of fifty years...
When Federated Suns forces stormed into the Draconis Combine during the FedCom Civil War, proud samurai Chu-sa Harold Nakayama and the Forty-Sixth Dieron Regulars deployed to Ashio to repel the invaders. Disaster struck when an all-but-unknown mercenary command slaughtered Nakayama’s troops, humiliating him. Nakayama swore an oath to exterminate...