Four interactive adventures set in the world of the Cthulhu Mythos. Walk through the steps of Ace, the main character, as he faces Lovecraftian entities in different times and places, only to find himself on the verge of a catastrophe as old as Earth itself. The game is played on four separate book, each telling the story of a new character, with different...
Over the course of 109 action-packed pages, Hour of the Huntress follows beloved investigator Jenny Barnes as she searches frantically for her missing sister—only to uncover some of the darkest secrets hidden in the shadows of Arkham, Massachusetts. Written by Dave Gross, this Arkham Horror novella offers new insight into one of the best loved characters...
Ahoy there captains! Seas of Dread is a supplement book for Mantic's game of epic naval warfare: Armada. Add extra levels of fun and excitement to your games - With all new scenarios, rules for sea monsters and random events as well as interactive terrain ~ and more! The book also expands on the naval background in the world of Pannithor and introduces the...
The 600 is a persistent campaign for Armageddon War. Persistent? Yes, persistent in the sense that the outcome of one skirmish affects the following battles. If you win a battle, your next engagement will be different than if you lost the battle. Additionally, you must not only defeat the enemy in each encounter, but also preserve your force to fight in...
Armati II is a second edition of the Armati rules system that now enforces the fatigue rules and attempts to combine Armati and 'Advanced Armati. New material to expand biblical period chariot armies has been added but some of the later armies have been dropped. Army lists are included with the rule book which is not bound. This method was introduced in...
"Armor Attacks: The Tank Platoon" is "an interactive exercise in small-unit tactics and leadership" written by John F. Antal, a United States Army armor officer. A pair of six-sided dice are required to play this solitaire game which is a variation on the Choose Your Own Adventure game book genre. In Armor Attacks, you take on the role of the leader of a...
Armored Fist is a rule system for squad and individual vehicle all-arms combat during World War Two. Suitable for company to battalion-sized actions during the Second World War, this system can simulate both infantry and combined arms operations and give realistic outcomes to combats early and late in the conflict. Simulate the real tactical choices that...