Published in Strategy & Tactics magazine #176, Blood on the Tigris: The Iraq Campaign 1914-1917 is a simulation of the 1914-1917 British/Indian campaign in Mesopotamia during the Great War. It has 1 22x34" map and 220 counters in 2 sheets (140 & 80). Scale is 6 miles per hex, 1 month per turn. Units are battalions, regiments and brigades. There are 3...
BLOODBATH simulates the horrific, turning point, battle in the Greek attack towards Ankara in August, 1921. The Greek Army had been unstoppable up to now and the Turks were reeling back to the last stand defenses in the hills just across the Sakarya River. Their morale had taken a serious blow, so serious, that orders were to shoot any Turk soldier caught...
Légi harci stratégiai játék az első világháború idején.Angol:(from GMT website:) Bloody April is a standalone game using a similar format to Elusive Victory/Downtown, modified to cover the unique aspects of air combat during World War 1....
This set of twelve battles and ten divisional army lists represent actions which took place at the start of the Great War in 1914. The scenarios are set in Belgium and northern France. The scenarios covered by this book pre-date the trench warfare. The last scenario, White Sheet, has a hint of what was to come, but even here the defenders were not...
This book of scenarios for 1918 has been chiefly designed with the Bloody Picnic rules in mind, although the games could be played with other rules. These battles provide variety. While they all involve an attacker and defender, there is plenty of variation on the theme, ranging from a two battalion trench raid up to a divisional attack supported by tanks...
In "Blue Max", each player pilots a World War I airplane in a dogfight. This wargame can be played as a campaign, with new planes becoming available as time passes, and with surviving pilots getting better at what they do. Each plane has a maneuver sheet showing which ones it is allowed to do -- some maneuvers can only be executed by ace pilots, and other...
Az első világháború égi ütközeteibe élheted bele magad a Blue Max-szel. Minden játékos egy gépet irányít. Figyelned kell az üzemanyagra. Lövésnél be kell tippelned, hogy merre fog mozdulni az ellen és akár kampányt is lehet játszani, ha kellően nagy ásznak számítasz. Angol nyelvű szabálykönyvAngol:In the midst of a tragic war, WWI fighter pilots fought bravely in a modern version of the medieval joust, much like the gallant knights that preceded them. Their survival...
Rules for all aspects of naval warfare from 1910 to 1945. These rule are designed to provide an historical and quick playing game on a 4' by 8' or smaller table. While designed for 1:2400 scale models, any scale can be used. The distance scale is 1' equals = 3 mile. Distances are given in inches. If space is a problem, centimeters. Ships for all major...