The Big Push covers the gigantic battle of the Somme in summer-fall of 1916. Rivaling Verdun in ferocity, scale and casualties, Somme was Britain's first real chance to open up the Western Front in World War I. French and British allies, wanting to take initiative away from Germany at Verdun, launched a large joint offensive at the Somme, where their...
Description from the publisher: The year 1914 passed. France survived the Schlieffen Plan with the Miracle on the Marne and the Race to the Sea ended in a stalemate. Unable to outflank its opponent, each side entrenched. A new type of warfare began that would claim the lives of many millions: trench warfare! Designed by Renaud Verlaque, winner of the 2003...
Biplane Barmy is a simple set of rules for conducting WWI dogfights; it is designed with fast and easy play. It is published by Fat Jonny Games and available for download at - in an interesting evolution of DTP wargames, RPGNow allows you to purchase games at a low price which you can download and print out yourself. The rules include basic and...
Biplane Barmy Refuelled is the long awaited second edition of Biplane Barmy, the game of World War I fighter combat. It uses the same core "choose & move" system but is the first choose and move game based on a hexagonal map. Players control one or more planes each and secretly choose maneuvers each turn, then move all planes simultaneously and resolve...
Bir Buyuk Turk Saldiri (The Great Turk Attack) covers the climatic end of the Asia Minor War that began in 1919. By 1922, the British, French and Italians had long abandoned the Greek Army's occupation of some 400 km in Turkey. Originally planned to recover the spoils of WW1 when Turkey surrendered, the Allied powers had promised Greece a part of Turkey...
Bitka na Drini ("Battle of Drina") is a sublimation of a chess-like games, like Parchesi and Risk, which in educative form and true to historical facts, place the players in a commanding role of the Austro-Hungarian Balkan Army or rather the Royal Serbian Army (with help of the Montenigrin Sandžak Army Division) with each other. In the heat of the battle...
Division-Regiment level combat in World War I. The Allies must blast their way through the thinly-held German trench lines. Strafing airplanes, artillery barrages, and advancing tanks all help. The Germans must hold out, counterattacking only where necessary, and moving their regiments and divisions so as to block the Allies' advance until reinforcements...
It is May 1917 and you are in command of No. 10 (Naval) Squadron. A few weeks ago, the Royal Flying Corps (RFC) experienced the disaster of "Bloody April". Approximately 250 pilots were lost in combat against Germany’s best, including the famous Red Baron, Manfred von Richthofen. The RFC begged for relief and the Royal Naval Air Service (RNAS) stepped in...
During their Spring offensive, the German 82nd Reserve Division captured the crucial crossroads town of Catigny. The newly arrived 1st US Infantry Division was rushed to the front and its 28th Regiment, nicknamed the Black Lions, was ordered to retake and hold the town. Although the Americans quickly took the town from the disorganized and ill-prepared...
Blood & Valor is a skirmish level game set during the conflicts of the Great War. Those of you who are familiar with Firelock Game’s previous game, Blood & Plunder, will feel at home with this game’s mechanics. Players deploy custom forces representing a Nationality, determine a scenario, and layout terrain to recreate one of the historical battlefields of...