Nine spacefaring crusader states will engage in a zero-sum (nearly) multidimensional tug-of-war for ownership over nineteen keystone worlds, sending ships from their fleets out into the cosmos up to ten times per game. Any or all of these nine states can be controlled by an algorithm. As a human player, you must be able to visualize how algorithm-based...
Miután megbirkóztál az orosz fronttal a No Retreat! széria első felvonásában, a harci játékok szerelmese és tervezője, Carl Paradis újra elmerül a háborúk ezen izgalmas időszakában: Absolute War! The Russian Front 1941-45. Ez a két fővel játszható háborús játék új módon eleveníti fel a náci Németország megszálló hadseregei és a Szovjetunió közötti titáni...
Additional Company card released during the Spieleschmiede crowdfunding campaign for the German edition. Compensation effect: Gain 2 money. Basic effect: Discard 1 coal, 1 iron and 1 oil to gain 8 money. Additional effect: Discard 1 coal, 1 iron and 1 oil to gain 8 money. (When the Company card is upgraded you can process 1 coal, 1 iron and 1 oil into 8...
Achtung Jabo! is a solitaire wargame about the 371st Fighter Group, which flew ground attack missions on D-Day in the P-47D Thunderbolts (known for its famous "Razorback"). Gameplay depicts the Group's missions on D-Day, June 6, 1944, and the book includes extensive research into the techniques, history, and practices of Allied fighter-bomber units at the...
Second of J.D. Webster's World War II air combat wargames Fighting Wings series. Tactical WW2 Air Combat game with mechanics upgraded from Over the Reich (first game in series). Focuses on air to air and air to ground combat during the Battle of Britain with some before (Battle of France) and some afterward (Western Europe through 1942). Mechanics are...
This issue includes 10 accompanying ETO scenarios that will take you from Dunkerque to the snow covered Russian winter, Italy or Walcheren island and the replacement countersheet for "The Green Hell of Inor", countersheet # 3. The following scenarios are included: FT304 - Loosening the noose: Notre Dame des Neiges, South of Dunkerque, France, June 3rd 1940...
Haba - Adventure Land - Kalandok földje. Készen állsz egy nagy kalandra? Üdvözlégy vándor Kalandok Földjén, Agamis király már várt! Gazdag városok, hatalmas erdők és hegyvidékek tarkítják az országot. A folyók aranyat hordanak, az erdők különleges gyógynövényeket rejtenek, a hegyek pedig a legjobb acélbányákkal vannak teli. Azonban a ködszörnyek...
Let your blade be sharp and your heart unyielding, for in the fray, only the bold claim victory! The Adventures of Conan is an asymmetrical dice game of exploration, sorcery and glorious combat set in the Hyborian age. Players will use a pool of custom dice to control the actions of Conan, his allies, and his Foes as they travel the lands in search of...
"In her youth, Brama had a dream. A dream of a new city. A new home. Safe from the Nameless forever. But only terror lurks in the depths..." Aeon's End: The Descent is a standalone experience within the exciting world of Aeon's End, utilizing the familiar shuffle-free deck-building game system with a replayable narrative experience about the founding of...
Ad Infinitum is an expansion for An Age Contrived. It introduces 3 modules to add new variability to the core game, as well as cosmetic trophy pieces to celebrate your victories. Advancement Tokens grant benefits at the start of the game to certain players, based on their performance in the previous game and whether they are new to An Age Contrived. They...
In this game, planes from the First World War meet in a battle. Simple rules of movement and firing include all the most important features of the aircraft of the time: speed, agility and firepower. Battles are lead at five different altitudes, so there are differences between the planes in terms of climbing and descending speeds. Some specific...
This expansion includes 41 aircraft from the post war 1920s providing 82 aircraft tokens. The choice of planes is large and players can combine airplanes from the basic game (and other expansions) with airplanes from the '20s. There were no major wars between countries then, so players will have to decide which planes will adversaries and participate in...