In CATAN: Starfarers Duel, you explore the vastness of space, fly to distant planets, buy and sell resources, found colonies, and establish trade relations — all while keeping an eye out for pirates who threaten mischief. Perhaps you also want to arm your spaceship to be in good shape against threats... The game, which has been extensively revised from...
CATAN: Sternenfahrer – Das Duell társasjáték 12790 Ft-tól! - 1 üzlet árulja ezt a játékot!
Ivion combines the intensity of a fighting game with the strategy of deck-building card games to create an experience unlike any other. In Ivion, your deck IS your character, and you build it from a variety of classes and specializations. Each character type has numerous cards from which to choose, along with wildly different playstyles. Mix and match them...
Ivion: The Knight and The Lady társasjáték 17490 Ft-tól! - 2 üzlet árulja ezt a játékot!
Ivion combines the intensity of a fighting game with the strategy of deck-building card games to create an experience unlike any other. In Ivion, your deck IS your character, and you build it from a variety of classes and specializations. Each character type has numerous cards from which to choose, along with wildly different playstyles. Mix and match them...
Ivion: The Sun and The Stars társasjáték 12590 Ft-tól! - 2 üzlet árulja ezt a játékot!
The year is 2037. Your organization is competing to put the first human being on Mars, but the competition is fierce. In Race to Mars, each player will build their own custom rocket and carefully plan their own crew deck that will take them to the red planet. But who will get there first? The race is on! Race to Mars is a fast-paced racing game for two to...
Race to Mars társasjáték 11990 Ft-tól! - 1 üzlet árulja ezt a játékot!
You are one of the legendary leaders of the Roman Empire. And it’s time to show your mettle. Expand your empire through military conquest. Build infrastructure and glorious monuments. All while keeping the barbarian hordes at bay. Will you bring glory to the Empire? Or will your reign be just another forgotten page in history? Rome Alone is a fast-playing...
Rome in a Day társasjáték 11990 Ft-tól! - 1 üzlet árulja ezt a játékot!
Népesítsetek be az egész világot! Az Emberiség hajnalán előttetek fekszik Afrika, Európa, Ázsia, Ausztrália és Amerika; víz es jég veszi körül. Az a feladatotok, hogy elhagyjátok Afrikát, benépesítsetek az egész világot, és sok győzelmi pontot gyűjtsetek. A tájak nyersanyaghoz juttatnak, amikre szükségetek lesz ahhoz, hogy felfedezőket állítsatok, és...
Catan: Az emberiség hajnala társasjáték 16990 Ft-tól! - 11 üzlet árulja ezt a játékot!
2357-et írunk. Az emberiség reményeivel éles ellentétben az elmúlt évtizedekben a heves csillagászati események és az új „napkitermelő” technológia szabályozatlan használata nagymértékben felgyorsította csillagunk öregedési ritmusát. Napunk jelenleg rohamosan közelít életciklusa végéhez. A sorsa az – mint az összes hasonló besorolású csillagé –, hogy...
Starship Interstellar társasjáték 37990 Ft-tól! - 6 üzlet árulja ezt a játékot!
Moscovium, or element 115, has a fascinating and controversial history. In this expansion, scientists have discovered how to use Moscovium to generate anti-matter. But as often happens with great scientific discoveries, if huge advances are promised on one hand, on the other hand their abuse can cause terrible consequences... and now the stability of our...
Starship Interstellar: Antimatter társasjáték Kiegészítő 6741 Ft-tól! - 1 üzlet árulja ezt a játékot!
During the game the players will be able to capture asteroids thanks to their launch bases, located on the asteroid belt. The asteroid thus acquired will create a personalised effect track, which will give each player unique bonuses. However, the asteroids could also crash into planets in the solar system, modifying the status of the deposits in the...
Starship Interstellar: Danger from Kuiper társasjáték Kiegészítő 6741 Ft-tól! - 1 üzlet árulja ezt a játékot!
Players will be able to travel towards Halley’s Comet, with its own board with several regions to land on, waiting to be mined. The Comet will increase its resources when orbiting near planets, and the more the game advances, the more Halley’s core will heat releasing more and more precious resources. In Starship Interstellar each player takes the role of...
Starship Interstellar: Halley's Comet társasjáték Kiegészítő 4491 Ft-tól! - 1 üzlet árulja ezt a játékot!
NOTE: This is a game for 0 - 2 players. The BGG database does not allow a player count of 0. So, you've been cursed. It happens in the wizarding business. Occupational hazard. It is also the only logical explanation. At first, it seemed like that feast last night must have caused the headache and the heartburn...but as you were about to brew the third...
In Amalfi: Renaissance, players take on the role of merchants in the Italian port town of Amalfi during the Renaissance period. The town was a dominant maritime power during the previous century, but its importance has diminished. The merchants of Amalfi are eager to recapture their previous success and revive the abandoned port town, but they have only...