Combine the BODY, ARM, and LEG parts to create your own mech Game Overview Players combine different parts of their abilities to create a mech and fight the opponent's mech on the field map. Break your opponent's mech or press the center of the field to move the container forward. The player first to reach the container in the opponent wins. Analogue game...
It is a two player strategy game. Each player will be the operator of four Mechas that will fight and make tactical movements to eliminate the enemy's power supply tower, however defending their own tower at all costs. The system has 18 movement range cards and 12 attack range cards. By round each player is required to use 5 of them. 3 of movement and 2 of...
Mech War '77 is a simulation of tactical combat in West Germany and Asia during the 1970's. The game is played by scenario. Eight scenarios revolve around a hypothetical Soviet-American clash in West Germany. One scenario is drawn from the Yom Kippur War. The tenth scenario pictures a Sino-Soviet clash. Scale: Each hex represents 200 meters from side to...
It's the end of the world! Your planet MEEPLE EARTH is dying. After years of exploiting its last resources, your people (the Meeples) are headed for extinction. In order to survive this they have created the Meeple Hope program as a last resort. Several rockets are sent into space, allowing a few lucky ones to survive and search of a new home. Today the...
Megapulse: Hyperdrive is an action-packed, fast and deadly cyberpunk race game. You play as a merciless hovercar pilot who will do anything to win. Outsmart your opponents, upgrade your vehicle, and storm through the finish line! Each player starts the game with a hand of 7 action cards. Each round, players simultaneously choose 2 cards to play from their...
Whole title - "Moderner Seekrieg. Neues Marine-Schach" (eng. "Modern naval warfare. New naval chess") is a board game, like chess for 2 players (blue vs red). Each player controls 18 playing pieces - different warships. Game play: At the beginning, the game figures are placed in specific squares on the game board (always the same as specified in the...
In 無限回段 (Mugenkai Dan), players are climbing an "infinite" staircase; to create the staircase, the game has 2 boards showing six stairs each. One of the available actions in the game moves one of the boards to the other end, such that the stairs will go on. To setup, each player takes a die of their color and a matching set of action tiles. In each round...
Vol de Nuit (Night Flight) is inspired by the masterpiece of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. The game is meant as a tribute to Saint-Exupéry’s work, and was realized in partnership with the Fondation Saint-Exupéry. Fly through the night until you see the first light of the day, or sink into the dark ocean of a dawnless flight. In this cooperative game from 2 to...
From the designer: You are leaving for a fun walk today. But No No Corgi does not walk as expected. Let No No Corgi walk well. So meet friends, play with neighbors, and return home. Can you go home before dark? On a random modular 5x5 board of tiles, players lay cards to 'program' their Corgi walk. Your Corgi will encounter distractions, including frogs...
norT is a two-player futuristic programmable-movement Print and Play racing game that plays out on a 20x20 grid. Players must avoid the outer walls, explosive mines, and even each other. Players choose from three different racecars that have different characteristics: a car that's easier to turn will have less varied special abilities. At the start of each...