Revamp is a competitive dice allocating game for 2 to 4 players. The players are owners of a mansion. They want to make it into a haunted mansion and therefore must revamp the place. The cards that are placed on the player board, form the haunted mansion. Goal of the Game The players need to create the most successful haunted mansion. This is a haunted...
Revolution is played in two phases. In the first phase each player gets 12 Strategy cards and 2-6 Bomb cards and secretly records their bomb positions on a record sheet. Players then order their Strategy cards as they wish to form a programmed series of movements and take turns revealing one card at a time. If a player lands on an opponent's bomb they...
1943. Between September 9 and 13, Rimini becomes a Platzkommandantur occupied by the 65th Infantry Division of the Wehrmacht. They occupy the central square, the barracks and the airport. Captain Ugo Ughi, a former officer of the royal army who had waited for the arrival of the Germans, is appointed Commissario Prefettizio. A curfew is imposed from 9:00...
RoboRally ár: 16 560Ft. RoboRally immár klasszikus taktikai játék különböző nehézségi fokú játék táblával és cool robotokkal. A játék lényege, hogy kártyákkal programozzuk a saját robotunkat, és egyrészt megpróbáljuk a többi robotot kilőni, másrész elkerülni a robotunk ellen irányuló támadásokat. 9 kártyából 5-öt kell kiválasztani és a sorrendjükkel...
Programozd be a robotodat, és érd el elsőként a zászlót! Ha azt hitted, hogy a gyári robotok is ugyanúgy veszik ki a hétvégét, mint te (már akik ugye dolgoznak), akkor bizony még nem láttál robot-ralit! Amikor a felettesek távoznak, és a kamerák a plafonra szegeződve pihennek, a robotok magukhoz veszik az irányítást, hogy egy izgalmas, ámde halálos...
Program your robots and be the first to get your robots to the finish! Each player controls four robots which are programmed each round by playing cards face-down on your board. Use energy to buy new cards, upgrade your handsize or remove cards from your deck. Robocity adds some new twists to the deckbuilding genre: cards you buy are added to your hand and...
"A card drafting and programming party game in the vein of old 2D turn-based artillery games!" Rocket Cats is a light-hearted, accessible, and exciting party game where teams of cats try to take out their traitorous family member (either Romeow or Julicat). The first team to take all 9 lives of their traitor wins the game! But these families are bringing...
Conde Col launched a challenge: assemble a card sandwich without having ingredients in hand. Let's go! Call the gang and devour this game several times. —description from the designer O Conde Col lançou um desafio: monte um sanduíche de cartas sem ficar com ingredientes na mão. Vamos lá! Chame a turma e devore este jogo várias vezes. —description from the...
This board game recreates such a historical time by portraying Portugal and Holland's race to conquer the riches of Southeast Asia. The game aims to claim all the islands marked by a number present on the board. The board is subdivided into 368 squares (23 × 16), each defined by coordinates of longitude (columns) and latitude (rows). The players have three...
Six games entirely contained within greetings cards. The game board is the front of the card, with the rules on the reverse. On the back, cut off the component section and flip out the player aid and you're ready to play! When you're finished, use the envelope as a game box. The games are inspired by classic board games, but re-imagined with a hobby gaming...
Listen all of you, bellyslitherers! Gather around… and prove your mettle! There’s no peace on Gastropodia Islands. Especially not when all kinds of snails grab their weapons and face each other in deadly combat. Each squad is ready to show the other mollusks who’s the boss. They’ll do anything to stand victorious. Bazookas, Molotov cocktails, mines...