Dungeons of Everternal transports players to the mystical world of Everternal, a realm filled with ancient secrets and mystical challenges. Here, the ruins of once-glorious civilizations hold the keys to untold powers and hidden treasures, making every dungeon a unique puzzle waiting to be solved. In this print-and-play roll and write game, players adopt...
In a parallel world, there lies a glorious empire built by humans. It is a pity that the descendants of the emperor neglected to govern, and citizens complained about everything. With pressure mounting internally and via external sources, the empire collapsed in the midst of uprising cries after 200 years of existence. At this juncture, many different...
Apály vs. dagály Ebben a kétszemélyes kártyajátékban egymás ellen kell játszanunk. Dagálynál a víz elönti a szárazföldet, apálynál pedig visszahúzodik. A játékosok is hasonlóan kapják szerepüket és feladatuk saját lapjaikat (föld vagy víz) az ellenfél oldalára átjuttatni. Kialakítjuk az 5x5 lapból álló játékteret (körbevéve partszakasz lapokkal és a...
Échec aux Chevaliers is the tranposition into a board game of the fights that took place in the Middle Ages between the Knights and the men-at-arms. We play with two players, even if it is possible to play with four. The object of the game is to successfully capture the opponent's citadel and stay there for an entire turn without being captured. Échec aux...
Introduction Emulsion is a finite territory game for two players: Black and White. It is played on the spaces (squares) of a square board of any size. At the start of the game, all squares of the board are covered with black and white pieces in a checkered pattern. On odd-sized boards, the center square is occupied by White. Definitions A piece's value is...
Endgame is a Chess variant which starts with the game already in progress, more or less. Before the game starts players secretly purchase pieces using points. There is a maximum number of pieces of each type, but this is not always the same as in the standard game (e.g. a player can purchase two queens). The cost per piece goes up as more of the same type...
In Extreme Chess, although the pieces move the same way as in standard Shogi, which pieces you have, and the layout of the board changes from round to round. A game consists of three rounds. Players each choose a board card and the two cards together determine the layout of the board. Then each player chooses a pieces card which determines what 5 pieces...
' Faerie Chess' is a new take on Chess, featuring both the classic Chess units and 14 new unit types with new abilities/movements. The game offers a 2 in 1 experience, in that it contains all of the components for a classic Chess game, and the new components for Faerie Chess. The new units added to the game include: Soldier, Chamberlain, Peasant, Tower...
Falconry is a card placement strategy game, where thinking ahead matters. As one of several competing nobles, players place markers, send out falconers and birds, and seek to outmaneuver other contestants for the grand prize. Each noble begins by placing his or her falconer, and the race is on! Falconers and birds can be used to claim other players markers...
Festival is a board game that recreates the movements between stages that happen at music festivals. Players will control groups of people, represented by polyominoes, who will enter the concert venue or move according to their interests, they may want to go to one of the four stages, buy some food or drink or buy a t-shirt of their favorite group. The...
This game will transport you into the magic and mystery of the medieval era. Choose your character, move with cunning among the rooms of the Castle and meet as many characters as possible. Let them help you find out who is hiding in the royal rooms and especially in the Princess’s room! Your Powers, together with those of the Special Cards, can benefit you...