Horseman's Chess is a chess variant in which a piece’s movement capabilities can change during play. The primary actors are the familiar chess pieces (Pawn, Rook, Knight, Bishop, Queen, and King) with their traditional movement capabilities except that none of them can move more than two spaces nor jump spaces without assistance. Pieces augment their...
Recruit reinforcements to the battle with 4 additional gods and 4 additional monsters! These characters boast advanced abilities such as adding another character to the board during the game or pressuring your opponent with an alternate victory condition. Add the Gates module to your play session to spice up the board with powerful tile abilities. When a...
Rescue the Little Mushrooms from the Evil Stain, guide them through the darkness but be careful with your orders, they can be misinterpreted. Impetus: No one gets left behind is a solo game where the player needs to program the directions he wants to give, using the cards in their hand. In your turn: You will place the cards in your hand on a "Orders Row"...
In INYO, you will demonstrate your mastery of balance and unbalancing by knocking your opponent out of the arena or forcing them into submission. To do so, take steps with your dice as if they were your feet. Manage your footwork effectively, striking a calculated balance between gentle agility and explosive power. Engage in measured collisions to throw...
An abstract strategy game for 2 players. Each player has 4 tiles - 1 of each isogram. These are placed on their end of the board matching the isogram and the direction its facing (orientation). Using the roulette wheel, pieces are moved and rotated per the wheel's diagrams. The goal is for one player to land their isograms on the matching squares (color...
Abstract strategy game where players move disc-shaped pieces across an 8 by 8 cross-hatched ("checker") board. Pieces only move diagonally, and only one space at a time. If a player can move one of his pieces so that it jumps over an adjacent piece of their opponent and into an empty space, that player captures the opponent's disc. Jumping moves must be...
On the summer solstice, the longest day of the year, on the wild, faraway island of JUNGLA, two fearless packs – the KNIGHTS commanded by the powerful LION CAYDEN and the PIRATES led by the cunning TIGER DHURTA – battle for the TAWA HALLAE, the scepter of power of the animal world. THERE CAN ONLY be ONE KING! A terrible struggle is underway to reach the...
Kampf is played by two players on a board that is divided into 81 equal-sized, alternating black and white squares and has a dash-dotted line. There are a total of 36 pieces in the game: 18 white and 18 black, which are set up as two armies to fight against each other. Each of the two armies is made up of ten higher combat pieces (2 planes, 2 submarines, 2...
Each player gets 22 figures: 1 king, 1 field marshal, 1 flag, 2 knights, 2 canons and 15 soldiers. The canons are placed in the castles. The different kinds of figures move in different ways about the crossing points of the grid. The objective of the game is to capture the enemy king. Capturing is done by moving over an enemy figure to a free space behind...
The players take turns to move their pieces. The goal ist to capture the enemy flag. The center space is an obstacle that blocks all movement. The players have four different playing pieces: 1 flag (moves and captures like a king in Chess) 2 adjutants (moves and captures like a queen) 2 cannons (moves and captures like a rock) 10 soldiers (moves and...
"The fast game for long flanks, ideal passing and tactical moves." Kick-it is a tactical soccer game that challenges the head and not the legs. The team in possession of the ball has 2 movement points available, while the opposing team without the ball has 3 move points available. By jumping straight over the opposing player, the ball can be taken away at...