The year is 45 BC. Julius Caesar brings all the leaders of the provinces of Hispania Ulterior together for a meeting in Corduba, where he thanks them for the support received during the recent civil war. The fight between Caesar and Pompey had ended with a clear victor, but not all Roman citizens were completely behind Caesar. One year later, the cruel...
On the first Monday in October, the all-powerful Justices of the U.S. Supreme Court gather each year in their "marble palace" to decide the fate of a nation. Each player represents a long-standing institution or school of thought attempting to gain renown by shaping the composition of the high court, taking sides in landmark cases throughout the history of...
Knitting Circle is a stand-alone follow up to the hit spatial puzzle game Calico! In this gorgeous puzzly tile-laying game for the whole family, players are knitters competing to create the coziest, most beautiful assortment of garments. Rounds are simple - collect yarn from the central basket and knit it into garments while trying to get your color...
Te, nyomorult. Ez még jól fog jönni. A neohumanista haladás és a technológiai áttörések merész korszakában az élet fejlődőben volt, a biológia és a mérnöki tudományok közötti határvonalak elmosódtak. Páratlan lehetőségek tárháza nyílt meg. Egy nagy civilizáció emelkedett a csillagos égig, a megvilágosodás pillanata egyre elérhetőbbé vált. Ez a civilizáció...
Arthur and Mordred fell at Camlann field, Arthur's body has been taken to Avalon, and unknown to the fey, Mordred followed...for the shattered son of King Arthur is not dead. By way of forbidden lore, his body endured the wounds of Excalibur and followed along the hidden ways to Avalon. Now the veil between the magical and the mundane has been pierced, and...
In the Divine Comedy, the poet Dante Alighieri enters Hell in search of his beloved Beatrice. Guided by Virgil, he descends through the nine circles, witnessing how each sinner is eternally punished in a manner as horrifying as the sin they committed in life. Inferno is a soul management game where each player must guide sinners to their respective circles...
Royal Hospital is the premier hospital in the world—a place where the globe’s most infirm patients come to seek the very best medical treatments on the cutting edge of science. At the heart of Royal Hospital’s success is a worldclass medical team, led by the world’s premier physician, The Director. Change is in the air, and Royal Hospital is in need of a...
Decorate the magnificent ceilings of the palace. Will the vaults look more beautiful by day or by night? Azul Duel invites you to play with light and pit opposites against each other. This competitive strategic game for two players retains the purity and elegance of the original Azul while adding an extra tactical dimension in which you determine the...
In the year 2021, after years of seclusion underground, humanity emerges onto the surface, propelled by the development of groundbreaking new technology. Decades of catastrophic fallout from a nuclear disaster during the Cold War have laid waste to the known world, compelling civilization to seek shelter beneath the earth. The pressing task now is the...
We are not alone! It is the 23rd century, and proof of alien life has finally been discovered beyond our solar system. In fact, recent developments in technology have triggered a cascade of discoveries throughout the galaxy; intelligent life and advanced civilizations are now known across many planets, moons, and asteroids in the Milky Way. Now the race is...
Hello, and welcome to Galactic Cruise. Here, we offer our guests something special: the comfort of a luxury cruise with the innovation of space travel. As the first company to offer extended-stay space vacations, we are excited to have you working for us! As a supervisor of this company, you’ll be expected to not only build these ships and satisfy our...
Welcome to the fantastical world of Iridescia. This abandoned world, lush with rare gems has been vacant for centuries due to a cataclysmic event forcing it’s inhabitants to take to the skies. The land is now safe to return to and it’s former residents are coming home. Take on the role of one of 4 clans to explore the lands, mine gems, restore ancient...