In Wooden-Legged Justice players take on the role of detectives from the Han City Xiezhi Gate Investigation Division, tasked with solving criminal cases by analyzing highly realistic case files. These files include a wealth of materials, such as autopsy reports, crime scene reports, communication records, and surveillance footage. Players must utilize...
In Word Radar Tantango, the players are the developers of a next next next generation communication tool, the read-your-mind-machine: Tantango. But! You must demonstrate the machine to the evaluation committee sponsoring your machine, despite knowing that the machine isn't ready at all! Try to cooperate with your teammates to avoid getting everyone fired....
In Word Slap, players compete in a quick, play-anywhere word game of strategy and speed. Players contribute nouns to a collective pool and take turns giving clues as to a noun they chose. However, being silly and strange in clue-giving is a must, because the clue-giver gets points for each person who doesn't choose their clue. However, if nobody chooses...
In Worden, players take turns either soliciting word clues to help deduce what three letters are hiding in their opponent’s hand or guessing a letter that they presume is in their opponent’s hand. The first player to correctly guess all three letters in their opponent’s hand wins the game! The game requires an alphabet deck comprised of 26 letter cards, 1...
Wordl3s is a word deduction game for two players. Guess the secret three-letter word of your opponent within 12 attempts using a combined process of deduction and elimination. On each turn, a player will: 1. Optionally flip a new word card 2. Pick a word to use for a question 3. Write it down on their form 4. Ask the opponent a question 5. Record the...
Love Wordle? Gather friends and family together to enjoy the favorite word-guessing game in real life with Wordle: The Party Game! Inspired by the digital version of the Wordle game, this analog game for 2-4 players delivers the classic Wordle gameplay as an exciting party game. Each round, a player designated as the Wordle Host writes down a Secret Word....
The game ワードン (Wordon) consists of a pad of papers showing the Japanese hiragana alphabet in a grid of letters overlaid on a map of the ocean, with a coast and a few islands. The winner of the game will be the first to sink the opponent's ships. At the beginning of the game, the players agree on a topic, and secretly choose three words, of different...
Will you escape the dangers of Azeroth? You have 60 minutes to break free of the chains that bind and the evils that threaten the World of Warcraft®! Play as honorable members of the Horde and the Alliance and overcome obstacles before time runs out! Stop the spread of Professor Putricide’s plague of undeath in his bizarre laboratory, dodge devilsaurs in...
The World Travelers Society is a tabletop adventure game with a strong narrative, inspired by true events sprinkled with bits of a treasure hunt and at the heart of it, a mysterious box. Your adventure will start with a hand-made wooden box and padlocks with Chinese characters preventing you from getting inside. After opening the main compartment you will...
Xoli is an abstract board game, it is one of the smallest games in Mexico, the game board has 16 cells, 4 squares x 4 squares, and it has only 9 pieces to play it, Xoli is a game that represents the 3 main cultures of Mexico, the Mayan , the Aztec and the Novohispana, this game is commonly played with 2 players, but it has a very dynamic version for 4...
You’re pirates, and you’re shipwrecked on a cursed island where you get hungrier each night. Your goal is to not starve, and escape the island with the most treasure, all the while creating uneasy alliances and backstabbing your fellow players. Search for resources: treasure, food, wood (for building an escape raft) and weapons (for fighting other...
Yellowstone Party Game is a gritty Crisis and Solution board game with the hit show’s attitude and style. Become one of your favorite characters and step into the Yellowstone world. Experience the fierce battle to protect the Dutton Ranch as you solve crises, prove your loyalty, and outmaneuver those with hidden motives. Perfect for true Yellowstone...