Galaxies is a tile-placement game where different combinations will make you score points. You will have a personalized board where round after round you will have to fill in the holes, the different combinations will score differently. At the beginning of the round different tiles will be discovered, each astronaut, in turn, will choose a tile and place...
In a galaxy far, far away... they need sewer systems, too. Corporation Incorporated builds them. Everyone knows their drivers—the brave men and women who fear no danger and would, if the pay was good enough, even fly through Hell. Now you can join them. You will gain access to prefabricated spaceship components cleverly made from sewer pipes. Can you build...
Those who pre-ordered the game for Essen Spiel 07 received 2 bonus flight cards, which add even more variety to the game. The Bonus cards are included in Galaxy Trucker: The Big Expansion. What to Do with Them Leave the bonus cards out of your first game. There is no sense in making the first game too complicated, and you can look forward to using them....
Galaxy Trucker: Rough Road Ahead is a free web-based expansion for Galaxy Trucker. It was Czech Games Edition's Christmas release 2007. Rough Road Ahead is designed for experienced players. It increases the game difficulty significantly by using Rough Road cards for each round of the game. The level of difficulty can be adjusted depending on how many cards...
Bejártad már az ismert galaxis minden zegét-zugát? A legjobb csillaghajóépítőnek ismernek, aki valaha született? Több pénzt kerestél, mint amit el tudsz költeni és már semmi sem kihívás számodra? Ha a fentiekre a válasz igen, akkor itt az ideje újra belevetni magad a galaktikus roncsderbibe, ami most újabb, nagyobb, nehezebb kihívás elé állít! Van új a...
A roncsderbi sosem ér véget! Szállj ismét versenybe, a legroncs… mármint a legújabb, legtökéletesebb űrhajókkal, amiket valaha is láttál… illetve, amiket utoljára fogsz! A Latest Models, nem is igazán kiegészítő, inkább „csak” három (négy) vadonatúj, nyakatekert, szuperkomplex, egyszerű kis űrhajó, ami felfrissíti a roncsderbi űrhajókészletedet. A...
Mi lehet viccesebb egy szennyvízcsatornával ellátott űrhajónál? A válasz: egy csatornázott, radioaktív és pluszban még robbanásveszélyes űrhajó. Mindenkinek különleges küldetése van, amit teljesíteni KELL, hiszen valahogy mégiscsak pénzt kell szerezni, ha nem is jut célba a tragacs!Angol:What's more fun than flying a spaceship made of sewer pipes? Flying a spaceship made of sewer pipes, radioactive isotopes, and high explosives! This expansion takes features from...
Azt hitted, hogy már mindent tudsz? Hogy a legjobbak közé tartozol és már semmi sem állhat az utadba? Ideje, hogy újragondold a dolgokat! A második menet Mint a címe is elárulja, megérkezett az első nagy kiegészítő a Galaxy Truckerhez (Galaxis Roncsderbi), ami még több, még nagyobb, még roncsderbisebb. Lássuk, miket is tartalmaz: - Új alkotóelemek:...
Galaxis: Stellar Frontiers is a competitive sci-fi strategy game for 2-4 players with a scenario-based structure. Each scenario brings you into one of the many battles going on in the galactic-wide war. During the game you will build a thriving economy on your planets to fuel the battle while expanding your area of control with fleets of ships. Gameplay:...
Galaxy was first published as "game in the magazine" in the AHA-Zeitung #87/2, the zine of several joint Swiss Playing Clubs. In winter 1987, Editoy published it as a real game. The huge board shows a universe with 6 planets, 36 space stations and about 50 meteorites. The planets are connected with thick planet routes, the space stations with thinner space...
The flash of fire lights, neon flashes, carrying forward and shape their native galaxy has in the past. Where are you? Unknown Galaxy prepared for you with many surprises. Will you ever escape the gravitational influence of the storm, the impact of the solar wind, treacherous attraction of a black hole? Feel unusual vibration ship? Your ship twist...