In Galactic Overlords, the players are challenged to guide their race from a small beginning on a rich home world and grow it into a powerful space empire. This is a full-fledged space empire game featuring exploration, expansion, exploitation of galactic resources AND space combat. However, it eschews the extermination or elimination of weaker players by...
The Antares Galaxy System is a merging inter-planetary commerce system, however, not all is blissful and peaceful in the Antares System. One Planet, Xanthar, has grown particularly powerful under the oppressive leadership of a power-hungry, ruthless and brutal ruler, T’arNak! Meanwhile, you and the other players are Free Merchant Traders, buying...
Galactic Space Exploration is a 1-4 player game where you manage your resources, buy and launch dozens of rocket ships, and be the first to head out into the vastness of space in the ultimate space exploration game! Best for kids aged 6 through 160. Learn to master the market. Players must invest wisely to grow their resources and their fleet of Rocket...
The interstellar mining corporation Deep Core, has embarked on an ambitious project to extract energy from space junk. They have discovered that the ore found on various planets in a newly discovered galaxy contains the key to unlocking an innovative, clean energy source. To achieve this, Deep Core has constructed advanced space stations equipped with a...
Starfire is a game of battles of between fleets of space warships. Each player commands a fleet of starships, moves their starships, and fires their weapons. Starfire also has campaign rules that allow players to create their own races with which to explore, expand, research, and conquer. Admiral’s Challenge is a simplified (15-20 page) campaign rule set...
After the fall of the once powerful Preiakka Federation, the region was thrown into conflict and chaos. Wars that were fought between the member worlds have weakened their power, and the Warlords, together with other outside factions as their sponsors sensed it was a good time to strike and attempt to establish their dominion over the fragmented region of...
Galactico is a game of intergalactic scale, in which players act as taxi drivers, delivering passengers to the most remote corners of galaxies. The world of the game is impregnated with references to loved and well-known characters, as well as stamps of science fiction. In Galaktico, you need to transport passengers from one space sector to another, at the...
Take control of a budding galactic empire in the 22nd Century during The Galaxia Initiative, a program where civilizations are encouraged to expand and make their mark on the universe. Colonize planets, work on The Station, construct moons, build alliances and fight important battles while scavenging the scrapyards of the cosmos. Swap 2 dice on the...
A long time ago, the universe was composed of a big soup of matter that slowly expanded, cooled down, and condensed. This led to the formation of different structures in space including asteroids, comets, planets, stars, black holes, and galaxies. We are just starting to understand how these different elements behave and interact with each other. Stars...