Arnhem, The Netherlands, 1944: 2 PARA’s chaplain is pinned down by German fire while trying to cross the street to get to injured soldiers. The commanding officer of A Company, Major Digby Tatham-Warter, runs to him and says, "Don't worry about the bullets, I've got an umbrella” before escorting him back across the street. Fields of Fire Volume III sees...
Fields of Fire is a miniatures game for combat from 1975 to present. This Origins-award-winning game allows players to command units from platoon to battalion size. Originally designed for 1:285 scale miniatures, minis up to 20 mm may be used if the player prefers. Game is scaled to where one miniature equals one vehicle. The heart of the game play system...
A Fields of Fire egy egyszemélyes játék, melyben végig kell irányítani egy gyalogos különítményt a 2. világháborútól a kóreai és vietnámi háborúkon át napjainkig. Kocka nélküli, akciókártyákra támaszkodó játékról van szó, melyben a stratégiai elhelyezése a csapatainknak kulcsfontosságú. Az első kiadáshoz képest a változások a következők: Frissített...
"Fifth Corps: The Soviet Breakthrough at Fulda" is one of several games in the Central Front Series published by SPI in the 1980s. "Fifth Corps" appeared in the September/October 1980 issue of Strategy & Tactics magazine #82. Both the game and series depict the early days of World War III in West Germany. Combat is conducted at the company, battalion, and...
SGB-26 Fifth Division (1987) (JPY 4800) Subtitled “Self Defense Force Series-03” and “Soviet Coming from our Lost Territory”. One map, 504 counters, four PACs, a Series Rulebook (12 pages) and an Exclusive Rulebook (32 pages). There looks to be two scenarios. Unit sizes are companies for the Japanese and US units, while the Soviets are all battalions....
A tactical game in which two sides (yellow and blue) oppose each other with fighter aircraft. The goal of the game is to eliminate the opponents' planes. The game is played by either two or four players, with the possibility of three players in which one side is played by two players and one side played by one. The fuel gauge is used for every turn...
Fighting the Islamic State was researched and designed to show why the war in Iraq and Syria is causing so many refugees, who is fighting and why, and what outcomes may occur. The game covers the period 2014-2017, and so projects into the future. In order to accommodate that, we'll update the rules and charts periodically online to reflect what is...
Recreates the air battles of the Iran-Iraq war from 1980 to 1988. It follows the trajectory of the was as new systems and tactics evolved. From the opening stages with Iraqi MIGs vs Iranian American made aircraft such as F-4s and F-14 Tomcats. As the war progressed both the Iranians and Iraqis acquired new modern aircraft such as the Mirage F-1 and the...
FIGHTING THE TALIBAN: Pakistan's Operation Sherdil, Aug. 2008 The threat was and remains real.The Taliban and al-Qaeada are slowing taking over this country with nuclear weapons. Not a good thing. Operation Sherdil (Lion Heart) began in August 2008 and was initially aimed at preventing the imminent fall of Khar, headquarters of Bajaur District, to the...
Description from the publisher: Final Act is an abstract, simultaneous move game of tank versus tank action, using an innovative "control panel" system that lets players program their moves--for up to seven tanks each-- quickly. Both the direction the tank moves and where it points are covered with quick dials and then revealed to the opponent after both...