Ez a játék a Zombicide és a Zombicide: Toxic City Mall kiegészítője.
A Zombicide Survivor: Bill egy könnyen tanulható kiegészítő a Zombicide társasjátékhoz, 1 - 6 játékos részére, az átlagos játékidő rövidebb, csak 1 óra. Az alapjátékot 2013-ban jelölték a Golden Geek Awards díjára Legjobb tematikus játék kategóriában. A társast, a könnyebb tanulhatósága ellenére, csak 13 éves kortól ajánljuk kipróbálni. Kooperatív jellegű...
Horror, Kiegészítő, Zombi
Akció pontok, Moduláris tábla, Váltakozó képességek, Kooperatív, Pakli tervezés, Kockadobás
Ez a játék egy kiegészítő. Ez ilyen játékok az eredeti játékhoz, annak élményéhez, mechanizmusához, készletéhez, adnak plusz elemeket.
Ebben a játékban az együttműködés a cél. Nem egymást, hanem magát a játékot kell legyőznötök!
Nem érnek rá a barátok? Ennél a társasjátéknál nem gond, ezt már egy személytől is lehet játszani!
Jelenleg egyik üzletben sem kapható a játék! Állíts be egy árufigyelést, hogy értesülj, amikor újra kapható lesz a boltokban!
Egy rakás újdonságot kapsz a kiegészítővel: - 4 kétoldalú plázás témájú térképlap - 43 figura, köztük négy új túlélővel és annak zombi változatával is - 28 felszereléskártya - új barikádok és szabályok...Angol:This expansion will introduce mall tiles combining building and street zones for a different perspective on lines of sight. There will be also four new survivors (including their...
Zombicide: Toxic City Mall társasjáték Kiegészítő 6690 Ft-tól! - 2 üzlet árulja ezt a játékot!
Black Friday is about danger and power. Your Survivors will get interesting weapons and busloads of experience quite early in each Mission, putting them against tides of Zombies as they struggle to complete the objectives. Expect to use the Ultrared Mode (see Toxic City Mall) every time, slaughter Zombies with the best weapons around, and above all, reach...
A kiegészítő tartalma: - 6 standard Bill - 6 Zombivor Bill - 6 Bill ID cards - 6 tapasztalati pont jelző - 6 dobókocka - 1 campaign könyvAngol:Zombie Trap is about the very title of this game: Zombicide. Your Survivors will face hordes of zombies and destroy them. This means that you will quickly gain busloads of...
As far as he remembers, Dave always found reality to be terribly boring. So he locked himself up in an imaginary world and learned piles of useless stuff... useless until now. Dave is a fount of knowledge. His chemistry mastery makes him look like a superhero amongst other survivors. At least until he opens this mouth, then everyone remembers he’s a real...
No one seems to know this gruff latino’s real name but everyone calls him El Cholo. Whether he minds, or even cares is unknown, El Cholo rarely speaks, preferring to let his twin machetes do the talking. A hardened farmhand or possibly an ex-cartel enforcer, putting Zombies down at close quarters is El Cholo's specialty, and damn! he's good at it. The...
Lieutenant Nicholas Walker has sometimes been bad, and always been lucky. Corrupt and cocksure, Nick gets his man, anyway he can, even if it means doing things a normal cop wouldn’t do. Bluffing and bullying his way through the streets of New York, this highly decorated officer has put away hundreds of criminals and lined his pockets discreetly while he...
Not so long ago, Ivy was one of the world's best assassins. Nobody knew her real name, nor where to find her, but every mob boss knew she was a real witch with guns. And then, one day, Ivy vanished. Rumors said she went down in an epic gunfight against the Triads. Or the FBI. Or the bodyguards of an African Warlord. Rumors... The fact is Ivy retired with a...
Unloved child of a struggling couple, Claudia was born and raised in a poor hood. A mother that worked three jobs at once and a father that grew a bit too close when Claudia became a teen soon led Claudia to the gangs. Getting in trouble with the po-po and mixing it up with other gangs was a great education in unorthodox combat. The good news is that these...
Marvin Redfield’s mother always told her son he was born under a lucky star, that he was promised a great destiny. And she was right: the little boy was gifted with incredible luck. Yet Marvin didn’t ask for anything. Being left in peace was all he wanted. Marvin’s life was turned upside down the day his family was caught in a grisly accident. The boy was...
Inspired and gifted, Eva was unsatisfied with her humble life as an accountant. Being part of the rank and file was like being a zombie to her. So, in her spare time, Eva danced, drew, sculpted and even took Japanese fencing lessons. Like everyone else, the zombie invasion changed Eva’s life: acting normal is now a nonsense and she feels more alive than...
Eagle Chaz is THE man. He fought crime and evil. He fought for freedom, he stood for the weak against the powerful. He knows how to use guns but his body is his best weapon. Usually, Eagle Chaz doesn’t want to kill, unless he has no other choice. He is a THE good guy. Well, zombies aren’t really people, so let’s just call it target practice. Chaz is a...
Troy has traveled far and wide. He has fought zombies and demons for years, even centuries if you believe him. Troy knows where they come from and what must be done to send them back to Hell. Most likely he's seen one too many horror films, that’s all. Troy is probably mad. Or is he? Troy is a promotional Survivor that was available to those that backed at...
Egy rakás újdonságot kapsz a kiegészítővel: - 4 kétoldalú plázás témájú térképlap - 43 figura, köztük négy új túlélővel és annak zombi változatával is - 28 felszereléskártya - új barikádok és szabályok...Angol:This expansion will introduce mall tiles combining building and street zones for a different perspective on lines of sight. There will be also four new survivors (including their...
Zombicide: Toxic City Mall társasjáték Kiegészítő 6690 Ft-tól! - 2 üzlet árulja ezt a játékot!
With her stunning looks and wits, Dakota could have lived a comfortable life. Instead, she chose a life of crime. She did time for everything from robbery to car theft. Her last sentence would have kept her inside long enough to go from the jail to the old folks home, but then the zombies came. Dakota is done running and hiding. She's here to claim her...
Az emberek legjobb barátja a kutya. Ezt senki sem vitatja. Mindig ott vannak, ha szükség van rájuk házőrzőként vagy kis kedvencként. Eddig ez a barátság a halálig tartott. Hogy most hol ér véget? Nem tudom, de néha eszembe jut, mikor ezek az oszló, négylábú szörnyetegek kergetnek végig az utcán. Ez a kiegészítő húsz új figurát ad a játékosok kezébe. Ezek...
Fred used to be a mathematical genius with intuition and an aggressive instinct. Trading was second nature for him, and while he regretted some of his decisions, he enjoyed his job a lot. Still, he felt something missing, a thirst his huge bonuses could not quench. Then the zombies came, changed his world, and brought him the answer. A predator at heart...
Újabb segítők érkeznek a túlélők csapatához: a kutyák. Három fajta négylábút találhattok ebben a kiegészítőben, mindegyikből kettőt. A kutyák keresésnél és támadásnál tudnak segítséget nyújtani a küldetésekben.Angol:This expansion set includes 2 sets of three different dogs. Their accompanying cards are placed in the equipment deck, and when found, the holder of the card becomes that dog's...
Headstrong and resourceful, Lea was one of the rare teenagers who hung out with the popular kids and made the honor role. Had her fiery temper not caused so much mischief among teachers and classmates alike, she could have reached the very top. Society and its dumb rules didn't fit her taste, and that kept her from having it all. The zombies changed all...
A zombiapokalipszis utáni zombik még halálosabbak lettek...A kiegészítőben miket találhatsz? - 24 szépen kivitelezett zombi (15 Toxic Walkers, 6 Runners és 3 Fatties) - 6 zombi idéző kártyaAngol:This box includes 24 toxic zombies and 6 additional spawn cards to include them into any Zombicide base game. Sculpts of the zombies are from the Zombicde: Toxic City Mall...
Zombicide Box of Zombies Set #2: Toxic Crowd társasjáték Kiegészítő 11090 Ft-tól! - 1 üzlet árulja ezt a játékot!
People think of stuntmen as modern daredevils, unsung heroes paid to put themselves in danger and escape the most difficult situations to make someone else look good. In fact, stuntmen are careful and patient individuals in perfect physical condition. They plan their stunts like their lives depend on the preparation, because they do. Rick knows exactly how...
Adriana had worked all her life just to get a chance. Blessed with potential but very little else, she worked days as a shop girl and nights rehearsing or performing with the chorus and dreaming of fame. Then, the zombies came out of nowhere on a busy Saturday and her dreams shattered in a few hours. Adriana isn't alone, however. After a fierce zombicide...
Az első kis dobozos kiegészítő a Zombicide játékhoz, amiben 24 új figurát kapsz az alapjátékhoz és még egy tucat zombi kártyát is...Angol:This box includes 24 zombies and 12 additional "Walk of the Dead" spawn cards to add them into any Zombicide base game. All zombie sculpts from this box are the same as the...
This box includes 24 berserker zombies and 6 additional spawn cards to include them into any Zombicide base game. Sculpts of the zombies are from the Zombicde Season Two: Prison Outbreak, although three exclusive sculpts are included. Zombie sculpt breakdown 15 Berserker Walkers (5 of a mix of 2 Box of Zombies only sculpts) 6 Berserker Runners 3 Berserker...
Ismét egy újabb csapat zombi. Hiába terítesz le egy tucatot minden egyes nap, még mindig az utcákat járják. Sosem fogynak el, mindenhol ott vannak, és csak jönnek és jönnek és jönnek… Ez a kiegészítő huszonnégy új figurát ad a játékosok kezébe. Ebből tizenöt járkáló, hat futó és három kövér élőholt. Némelyik egyedi figura, melyek csakis ebben a...
Will earned his job as a videogame designer. He served his stint as a noob trainee, spending more time carrying coffee than programming, just to become a Useless Probationer (with a right to make photocopies). After three difficult years, he finally got a fulltime job and his own noob trainee. Only his passion for videogames- and above all, zombie...
Ross was leading a peaceful life as a warehouse manager when the zombies appeared. Ross, however, is more than he appears. He left the army twenty years ago with scars and PTSD but believed he had moved on. The invasion triggered something in him, something dirty he had thought buried forever. His soldier's instincts came roaring back, along with old...
Helen was a federal agent, proud to uphold the law and protect the people. Her inquisitive nature and logical mind lead her into investigations, and she became a terror to the nation's organized crime syndicates. She finally managed to anger the wrong people, though and she was under investigation for trumped up corruption charges when the zombies came....
Két új túlélő Kavin Walker tollából: Uncle Honk és Mitch.Angol:This expansion includes two survivors and their Zombivor counterparts both designed by Kevin Walker. Kevin Walker went freelance in 1987 and spent years illustrating for British...
This expansion includes two survivors and their Zombivor counterparts both designed by Adrian Smith. Adrian Smith (born 1969 in England, United Kingdom) is a illustrator/concept designer living in Scotland. Best known for his work with Games Workshop and numerous similar companies, Adrian has also done concept design work for computer games companies such...
Két új túlélő a Zombicide-hez: Angry Mary és Red Cap Ben.Angol:This expansion includes two survivors and their Zombivor counterparts both designed by Karl Kopinski. Karl Kopinski was born in Nottingham in 1971, drawing became an obsession...
A group of three optional promotional survivors and their zombivor counterparts available to those that raise an extra amount on their pledge for the Zombicide Season Two Kickstarter campaign. Survivors include: Don Good old reliable Donald was until very recently an under-secretary at an obscure ministry. Pushing papers his entire career, Donald quite...
This pack contains survivors Eagle Chaz (The American Hero), Troy (The Traveller), and The Cardboard Tube Samurai. This pack also contains the Zomb'ivors of those survivors as well as Zomb'ivors of Dave, El Cholo, and Nick. Eagle Chaz is THE man. He fought crime and evil. He fought for freedom, he stood for the weak against the powerful. He knows how to...
This pack contains Survivor and Zombivor miniatures for Brad The Crime Lord, Thaissa The Entrepreneur, Kirk The Old Sensei, Rose The Aunt, and Ralph The Cowboy, and their respective character cards. These characters were available as free Kickstarter reward for everyone who backed the Zombicide Season 2 Kickstarter campaign at funding levels of $100 or...
Elena is a cosplayer in the world of Zombicide, dressed as Alyana Heska, Senior Hakar of the Ashman Legion of House Nasier from Wrath of Kings. Zombies crashed the gaming convention and now she must try to survive. Alyana Heska AKA Elena is a cross-promotional Survivor that is available to those that raise an extra amount on their pledge for the Wrath of...
Charles is a cosplayer in the world of Zombicide, dressed as Union Worker #42 of the House of Teknes from Wrath of Kings. Zombies crashed the gaming convention and now he must try to survive. Union Worker #42 AKA Charles is a cross-promotional Survivor that is available to those that raise an extra amount on their pledge for the Wrath of Kings Kickstarter...
These are boxes specially made for retailers, containing a three-mission campaign with special "gaming night" rules, exclusive dice and miniatures. All you need to have a nice Zombicide night! The first Gaming Night Kit is called "Cars, Food or Guns" and features the famous Kyoko. Your team has to choose what's best for survival among the three options...
Black Friday is about danger and power. Your Survivors will get interesting weapons and busloads of experience quite early in each Mission, putting them against tides of Zombies as they struggle to complete the objectives. Expect to use the Ultrared Mode (see Toxic City Mall) every time, slaughter Zombies with the best weapons around, and above all, reach...
A kiegészítő tartalma: - 6 standard Bill - 6 Zombivor Bill - 6 Bill ID cards - 6 tapasztalati pont jelző - 6 dobókocka - 1 campaign könyvAngol:Zombie Trap is about the very title of this game: Zombicide. Your Survivors will face hordes of zombies and destroy them. This means that you will quickly gain busloads of...
Pack of promo survivors given to backers of the Zombicide Season 2 Kickstarter campaign. Contains a total of 12 miniatures, survivor and zombivor versions of each of the following characters: Achille the Serial Killer, Chuck Momma's Boy, Mack the Car Salesman, Smith Dog of War, Mike the Miniature Sculptor, and Gary the Misfit. - Achille is insane, a...
Négy új túlélő és a hozzájuk tartozó "zombélő" (Zombivor) verziójuk, 8 segítőtárs és 18 "kutász" zombi. 63 új kártya felszerelésekkel, a zombikhoz tartozó kártyákkal és a sebesülés jelölőkkel. Három új kétoldalas játéktábla új helyszínekkel.Angol:Zombicide Angry Neighbors challenges you to face off on a whole new breed of zombies! These Seeker zombies have you and your friends in their sights and will chase you to your...
Ebben a dobozban 20 darab VIP zombi miniatűrt, 12 kártyát és 3 új pimpmobile-ban található fegyvert: Daisho, Golden AK-47 és a Pink M4-es.Angol:VIP - Very Infected People Very Infected People are just like normal walkers, they come with special spawn cards which you shuffle into your spawn deck. When you kill one you can...
Járjatok nyitott szemmel, ugyanis már a levegőt is "meghódították" az élőhalottak. Zombivarjak fenyegetik az élőket. 15-15 zombimadárral és a hozzájuk tartozó kártyákkal bővítheted a Zombicide gyűjteményedet.Angol:It was inevitable that crows would get infected, scavenging all those zombie bodies. It was also inevitable that it would be very bad news. Crowz may be easy to kill, but these...
Benny - The Children's Performer "And now, boys and girls, let's give a big hand to Benny the Bear!" Needing beer money, Benny answered an ad from a company specializing in children's parties. A star was born that day. a born thespian, Benny's repertoire included a bear, a knight, a giant, a talking zebra, and a friendly commando. He was at a children's...
Oksana - The Stunt Woman "I got two fractures, a concussion and a broken nose doing that stunt. It was awesome!" Leaping from her roof onto a trampoline at the age of six, Oksana began her career as a stunt woman early. The broken arm set, and so did her resolve. Brushing off the minor nicks and abrasions that ensued over the years, Oksana found her way to...
Élőholtak mindenütt. Ellepték az egész várost. Alig vagyunk páran, akik túléltük, de fogytán vannak a tartalékaink: nincs több élelem és alig maradt lőszerünk. Az egyetlen reményünk a börtön, amelyre nemrég bukkantunk. Azelőtt nem gondoltam volna, hogy önként betenném oda a lábam, mégis, most úgy tűnik, az maga a földi paradicsom. Az egyetlen reményünk....
Hónapokkal ezelőtt tört ki a zombikór. Azóta a halál az utcákat járja. Az ellenállás alig pár hete alakult. Ők azok, akik megpróbálják menteni magukat és az emberiséget, miközben nem csak a holtakkal, de az éhséggel is meg kell küzdeniük. Ezek a túlélők ti vagytok! Élet a holtak közt A Rue Morgue a sikeres Zombicide sorozat tagja, amely nem csak mint...
This upgrade kit gives you 132 cards for all of the special 1st Edition types of Zombies and Companions, updated to 2nd Edition look and mechanics. As these will have the same card backs as the other 2nd Edition cards, you can just shuffle them into your decks. These cards have been updated to 2nd Edition, with optimized organization, more spawns per card...
Az alábbi játékok a hasonlítanak leginkább a(z) Zombicide Survivor: Bill társasjátékhoz