Ez a játék a Shadows of Brimstone: Forbidden Fortress kiegészítője.
A Shadows of Brimstone: Forbidden Fortress Item Upgrades Pack #1 egy összetett kiegészítő a Shadows of Brimstone: Forbidden Fortress társasjátékhoz, 1 - 4 játékos részére, az átlagos játékidő hosszabb, akár 2 óra is lehet. A társast, a bonyolultsága miatt, csak 12 éves kortól ajánljuk kipróbálni. Kooperatív jellegű, a játékmenet erősen épít a moduláris...
Fantasy, Felfedező, Kaland, Horror, Kiegészítő, Miniatűrök
Moduláris tábla, Váltakozó képességek, Kooperatív, Kockadobás, Rács mozgás
Ez a játék egy kiegészítő. Ez ilyen játékok az eredeti játékhoz, annak élményéhez, mechanizmusához, készletéhez, adnak plusz elemeket.
Ebben a játékban az együttműködés a cél. Nem egymást, hanem magát a játékot kell legyőznötök!
Hosszú játékidő! Ha egy egész estés/napos kikapcsolódásra vágysz ez a neked való!
Jelenleg egyik üzletben sem kapható a játék! Állíts be egy árufigyelést, hogy értesülj, amikor újra kapható lesz a boltokban!
Egy új jégkorszak közeleg. A halál jéghideg lehelete ott süvít a szélben. Egy új nagy ellenséggel bővülhet a játékunk.Angol:No one knows what has become of the ancient builders of the alien cities on the Targa Plateau! It is clear that they have been gone for sometime though, leaving the robotic...
Egy doboznyi alien.Angol:Description from the publisher: Trederra is a distant, industrial age alien world that is engulfed in massive, never-ending conflict between its varied nations. They fuel their...
A Trederra kiegészítő egy teljesen új OtherWorld-öt ad hőseinknek, hogy felfedezhessék. Új térképmezőkkel és ellenfelekkel bővíti a játékot.Angol:On the war-torn, industrial-age battlefields of Trederra, legions of alien soldiers patrol the ruins of their once great cities, searching for anyone foolhardy enough to intrude...
Az Order of the Cromson Hand missziói várnak ránk ebben a kiegészítőben.Angol:Shadows of Brimstone: Cult of the Crimson Hand Mission Pack includes 12 Crimson Hand Cultists. The Order of the Crimson Hand are a clandestine society, committed to seeking out...
A Lost Army missziói várnak ránk ebben a kiegészítőben.Angol:The thunder of cannons sounds in the dark, and sporadic flashes of fire and smoke dance across the night sky as the Lost Army of the dead lays siege to the land of the living! 50...
Egy csapat Targa csatlakozik az ellenség oldalához. A doboz tartalma: 3 Custodians figura 2 Pylons figura 2 30mm-es bázis Kétoldalas ellenség referencia kártya 6 threat kártyaAngol:Ancient caretakers from the Targa Plateau, these large, spider-like Robots roam the halls and chambers of the ancient, alien city, maintaining the systems and repairing damage...
Halottak és még törvényen kívüliek is, kell ennél több?Angol:Outlaws are a common occurrence through the region around the ruins of Brimstone. Even before the town blew and the portals began to open, the gold rush and Dark Stone rush that...
Beli'al, az utolsó árnyékuralkodó csatlakozik a Shadows of Brimstone játékhoz.Angol:Banished eons ago, the Last of the Shadow Kings, Beli'al, was imprisoned for his treachery in the fiery hellscape of the Caverns of Cynder! Above all else, he seeks to break his...
Bátor, vakmerő szövetségesek érkeznek a Shadows of Brimstone világba.Angol:When Dark Stone was first discovered in the area around Brimstone, outsiders flooded in, looking to get rich! Now, they come looking to make a name for themselves (and maybe get...
The Temple of Shadows was once the home of an ancient and powerful order of Yamabushi monks, dedicated to battling supernatural creatures throughout the land. It was foretold that one day the Great Dragon King, Sho-Riu would return to destroy the Earth, and only they could stop him. When the meteor came from the heavens and devastated the mountain, the...
The Derelict Ship Expansion introduced a brand new OtherWorld for the Heroes to explore, including 3 deadly new Enemy Types (6 undead Necronauts, 3 Auto-Turret defenses, and 3 large, robotic B.E.A.C.O.N. Drones). Though included in the retail version of the Derelict Ship Otherworld Expansion, the B.E.A.C.O.N. Drones and Auto-Turrets were available to...
Description from the publisher: The Derelict Ship Expansion introduced a brand new OtherWorld for the Heroes to explore, including 3 deadly new Enemy Types (6 undead Necronauts, 3 Auto-Turret defenses, and 3 large, robotic B.E.A.C.O.N. Drones). Though included in the retail version of the Derelict Ship Otherworld Expansion, the B.E.A.C.O.N. Drones and...
Once part of Santa Ana's Mexican Legions, the Lost Army was dispatched northward to investigate a mythical 'black rock' with magical porperties found up in the hills. Presumed dead for over 50 years, they have now returned with a burning hatred for the living and their full compliment of siege weapons, now twisted into thunderous and deadly Hell Cannons!...
Description from the publisher: One of a massive and powerful race of alien beings, The Ancient One is from far beyond the stars! As old as time itself, he slumbers in the Void, dreaming worlds into existence and crushing entire realities with his nightmares. On rare occasion, The Ancient One will stir in his timeless sleep, manifesting himself in a...
A Blasted Wastes Deluxe OtherWorld Expansion. The retail release of the Blasted Wastes OtherWorld Expansion became a "Deluxe OtherWorld Expansion" after the Kickstarter with the addition of 6xGhost Warriors, 3xLarge Sand Crabs, and a set of 2xWasteland Scavenger Heavies and 1xWasteland Warlord. These had to be added to pledges as Add-Ons. The Ghost...
A Blasted Wastes Deluxe OtherWorld Expansion. The retail release of the Blasted Wastes OtherWorld Expansion became a "Deluxe OtherWorld Expansion" after the Kickstarter with the addition of 6xGhost Warriors, 3xLarge Sand Crabs, and a set of 2xWasteland Scavenger Heavies and 1xWasteland Warlord. These had to be added to pledges as Add-Ons. The Ghost...
The retail release of the Blasted Wastes OtherWorld Expansion became a "Deluxe OtherWorld Expansion" after the Kickstarter with the addition of 6xGhost Warriors, 3xLarge Sand Crabs, and a set of 2xWasteland Scavenger Heavies and 1xWasteland Warlord. These had to be added to pledges as Add-Ons. The Ghost Warriors in particular were a Stretch Goal that was...
Description from the publisher: The Terralisk is a new XL enemy for the Blasted Wastes. Living deep under the sulfurous sands, these massive insect-like creatures lay in wait for unsuspecting prey to stray too close to their hunting grounds. They are attracted to vibrations in the ground and often tunnel their way through rock and sand to reach the site of...
Tearing their way through the Void, these nightmare creatures are masses of writhing tentacles and ancient hate! Burrowing through realities, once manifested into a physical form, they lay dormant beneath the earth, sometimes for millennia; waiting with vile intent as they writhe in their hibernation. Most often, these Ancient Horrors are awakened from...
Rising up out of the burning pools of fiery magma that fill the Caverns of Cynder, these gargantuan creatures are made from molten rock. Towering over the other inhabitants of their domain, the Magma Giant smashes everything in sight with its burning fists and hatefilled rage! This new enemy comes as one plastic sprue, one XL base, a rule sheet and...
The mines and deserts around Brimstone are filled with nightmare monsters and creatures beyond imagination! Though many of these monstrosities come from OtherWorlds or the Void between worlds, the unbridled energy of the Dark Stone has a corrupting influence on animals and creatures native to the deserts of the SouthWest too. One such mutation are the...
This set includes an all-new scenario set piece for Shadows of Brimstone: the deadly and arcane DARK ALTAR, plus two new Dark Altar-themed Missions, both usable for Shadows of Brimstone and Forbidden Fortress! The Dark Altar model is cast in high detail resin and hand-poured inhouse by Flying Frog Productions. This stand out piece is easy to paint and will...
Includes 3 Ashigaru Conscripts, 1 Ronin Guard, 1 Banner Bearer, and 1 Curious Monkey, as well as all of the cards and rules that you need to add Feudal Japan Allies to your games of Shadows of Brimstone! Joining the Heroes on their adventures, Allies add a lot of flavor and fun to the game with their powerful abilities and horrible fates! —description from...
A Belly of the Beast Enemy, the Acid Blob rules, Enemy Record Sheet, and cards appear in the Forbidden Fortress Core Set, but were previously only represented by die-cut counters. This new miniature set introduces some fantastic new plastic, 3D figures for the Acid Blobs, as they scour the interior linings of the Beast, burning away any...
The Akaname are stealthy creatures that love to Ambush from the shadows. Crawling along the walls and ceiling, they leap over other models and obstacles in their path, scratching at you with their vicious claws and ensnaring you with their long, barbed tongues! When Leaping at a Hero to Attack, an Akaname always moves the shortest distance to reach its...
Kidnappers, thieves, and assassins, the Clan Ninja are mercenaries, offering their services to the highest bidder. Lead by a ruthless Kosugi Ninja Master, these stealthy killers move silently, running across rooftops and scaling walls to reach their targets; striking without warning and disappearing back into the shadows. In the struggle for power between...
The Forest of the Dead is a shadowy realm that lies between worlds. It is a place where the dead from all worlds roam freely amongst the ancient and decayed trees. A cold, thick fog hangs in the air, and the gnarled branches gently sway and clack in the fetid breeze. The forest floor is covered in a spongy moss, and the soft black soil beneath hides the...
Spewing molten magma from their gaping maws, these rocky creatures swarm through the Caverns of Cynder, churning the lava and belching black smoke as they burrow new tunnels through the rock. Much like the Lava Men, these Fiends are constructed from the magma itself, hardening into charred masses, and chewing through the solid walls to open up new passages...
Pulling its way through the cavernous intestines of the Belly of the Beast, the massive Gastral Tyrant hunts for prey, collecting intruders to feed to its nested eggs! With its long, spiny arms, and twisting, ribbed body, this monstrous creature can dominate even the largest chambers within the Beast! First paralyzing its targets with a vicious venom, the...
Crawling and burrowing through the fleshy tunnels in the Belly of the Beast, these oversized, armored parasites feed on the remains of undigested intruders. They have evolved thick, interlocking, chitinous shells which make them immune to most acids and explosives, allowing them to burrow deep into the intestinal track of the beast in search of food to...
The most ruthless and trusted advisors to the Fallen Shogun, these powerful spellcasters wield dark and sinister magik! Once a humble court of ministers and wise men, they have grown hungry for power and forbidden knowledge, tainted by the corrupting lure of the Dark Stone! This Deluxe Enemy Pack includes 3 Fallen Sorcerer Enemies as well as 3 Komuso...
Lurking in the dark and humid corridors inside the Belly of the Beast, these scavengers feed on the bones and remnants too hard to be dissolved by the massive creature’s normal digestive systems. Living in darkness, Bone Eaters have no eyes. Instead they use their keen sense of vibrations and smell, absorbing scents through their outstretched fingers, as...
A clan leader and military general, the Samurai Daimyo uses strategy and tactics to outwit and outmaneuver his opponents. As a powerful commander and trained Samurai warrior, he leads his armies into combat, for honor and glory! The Samurai Daimyo starts each adventure with up to 3 Armored Ashigaru Foot Soldier Allies to command. In addition to being a...
A massive and imposing figure, the Sumo has trained all his life for unarmed battle in the wrestling ring. But when Demons and Monsters sweep across the land, he answers the call, stepping out of the ring and onto the battlefield. Mounted on a 40mm base, the Sumo is the first ever large size Hero. He uses his weight and strength to mercilessly crush his...
Hailing from the war-torn alien world of [i]Trederra[/i], this veteran soldier of the Trederran Legionnaires is a survivor of countless engagements on the toxic battlefields and blown out ruins of his home. Growing weary of the never-ending wars, and realizing the true power of evil looming beyond the shadows, he has left his world to join in the fight...
These mighty thunder spirits ride lightning across the sky and descend from the heavens to wreak havoc on the world of men. Creating a powerful flurry of wind and rain to assail the Heroes, they live at the heart of the storm, channeling bolts of deadly lightning through their outstretched hands to electrify any who would dare oppose their will. Harbingers...
The Onmorake is a carrion phoenix, risen from the ashes of the scorched fields of battle! It soars through the sky, on its massive, tattered wings, breathing fire to burn its foes, then raising them back from the dead to join in the fight! Rising from the battlefield, charred and still burning, the Scourge Dead are plague-ridden Ashigaru foot soldiers that...
The Trederran Strike Team is an elite fighting squad of alien special forces soldiers, deployed on dangerous missions by the High Command of their Trederran Nation. This Expansion includes the new Trederran Team Heroes, with 4 unique types of Trederrans to play as—the Sargeant, leading the team with grim determination, the Legionnaire, an elite soldier...
One of the most fun elements of Shadows of Brimstone is developing and customizing your Heroes. These new Gear cards focus on Item Upgrades, adding new Runes, Marks, and a host of characterful new trinkets that can be slotted onto your Heroes’ Items to add powerful bonuses and abilities. This 15-card Supplement adds a set of all new Gear cards themed...
This 15 card Game Supplement for Forbidden Fortress introduces an all new Adventure Card – The Sacred Mountains, as well as a host of exciting new Gear, Artifacts, and Encounters themed for exploring this dangerous but rewarding region. With the new Adventure Card, any Mission can be played in the misty and magical Sacred Mountains, among the temples and...
A Shadows of Brimstone egy társasjáték dobozába zárt szerepjáték, amelyben a játékosok karakterei az 1880-as évek Vadnyugatán bandákba verődve, lovecrafti hangulatú szörnyekkel benépesített bányákba ereszkednek le, hogy összegyűjtsék az értékes és titokzatos sötétkő nevű ásványt. Könnyen előfordulhat, hogy a bányában található kapukon keresztül a...
A Shadows of Brimstone egy társasjáték dobozába zárt szerepjáték, amelyben a játékosok karakterei az 1880-as évek Vadnyugatán bandákba verődve, lovecrafti hangulatú szörnyekkel benépesített bányákba ereszkednek le, hogy összegyűjtsék az értékes és titokzatos sötétkő nevű ásványt. Könnyen előfordulhat, hogy a bányában található kapukon keresztül a...
In the Valley of the Serpent Kings Adventure Set, players take on the role of a group of Spanish Conquistadors, exploring the dark halls and stone ramparts of a Spanish Fort that has fallen into Darkness, overrun by demons and creatures. As a Team of Conquistador Heroes, you can play as the fearless El Capitan, leading his men with boundless ambition, the...
In Gates of Valhalla, players take on the role of a group of Norse Vikings, exploring the icy crags and snowy forests of the Norse Lands filled with snarling beasts and mythological creatures emboldened by the power of the Dark Stone. As a Team of Viking Heroes, you can play as the stalwart Jarl Chieftan, leading his clan from the front of the pack, the...
Shadows of Brimstone: Gates of Valhalla társasjáték 220000 Ft-tól! - 1 felhasználó árulja ezt a játékot!
This new edition of the classic Shadows of Brimstone: City of the Ancients features a full set of all new, re-designed miniatures for all of the Heroes and Enemies. In fewer pieces, and with better proportions and greater detail, these are some of the best Shadows of Brimstone miniatures produced to date! This set also features a full balance and polish...
This new edition of the classic Shadows of Brimstone: Swamps of Death features a full set of all new, re-designed miniatures for all of the Heroes and Enemies. In fewer pieces, and with better proportions and greater detail, these are some of the best Shadows of Brimstone miniatures produced to date! This set also features a full balance and polish pass on...
In The Impossible Hell Train Core Set, players take on the role of a group of traveling Heroes riding the railroad through the corrupted territory of the American Southwest. With the long-awaited rail lines of the Western Express now up and running, an influx of new blood have set their sights on making a name for themselves in the Badlands of Brimstone....
In the Lost Tombs of Khamuntet Core Set, players take on the role of a group of 1930s pulp adventure Heroes, exploring the dark chambers and crumbling passages of ancient Tombs, in search of fortune and glory! Lost in the desert sands of Egypt for thousands of years, these cursed temples are overrun with terrifying mummies, flesh-eating scarab swarms, and...
Az alábbi játékok a hasonlítanak leginkább a(z) Shadows of Brimstone: Forbidden Fortress Item Upgrades Pack #1 társasjátékhoz