INTRODUCTION Cataclysm is a two-player game played on a square board of any size, initially empty. The two players, Red and Blue, take turns placing their own checkers on the board, one checker per turn, starting with Red. Passing is not allowed. Mark Steere designed Cataclysm in July 2023. OBJECT Red must form a path of red checkers (interconnected via...
CATAiN is a Japanese parody of Settlers of Catan. The goal is simple. Only you can create the world's longest poop (unco)! Roll dice to collect food resources (Meat, Vegetable, Fruit, Potato, and Milk) and use those to deposit poop logs on the intestinal wall tiles. Single poops, double poops, thick poops! The world is your poop oyster! After a modular...
To commemorate this momentous and joyous event, a special edition is being created. The special edition encompasses Settlers of Catan and Cities and Knights for 3-4 players. This edition features three-dimensional hand painted tiles made of dense heavy weight resin and a complete interlocking border. Each player gets a set of hand-painted settlements...
Catan is off the island and in America. Fans of Catan are eagerly anticipating the next release in the Catan Histories line. The 19th Century has arrived, and Americans are heading west. Wagon trains are forming up and heading out to settle new lands and build new cities. These new cities will need railroad lines to bring in new people and necessary goods....
Klaus Teuber, a Catan alkotója indított egy sorozatot a Catan játékok keretein belül, ahol a Catan alapelemeit helyezi különböző történelmi háttérbe. Ennek a sorozatnak a legújabb tagja a Merchants of Europe. A játékosok a térkép 3 pontján kezdik meg a játékot, kockadobás alapján nyersanyagokat termelnek, melyeket építkezésre, mozgásra, új városok...
Settling the Final Frontier Since 1966, millions of Star Trek fans all over the world have watched adventures of the Starship Enterprise, Captain Kirk, and Mr. Spock. And since 1995, millions of enthusiastic players all over the world have played Klaus Teuber's CATAN - a board game classic. It's time to bring them all together on the Final Frontier! In...
Catan napja a forró sivatagok felett éledt újjá az ősi Egyiptomban. A szerző újragondolta mestermunkáját. A telepesek most a Nílus partja mellett élednek újjá a fáraók korában. Ökrös szekerekkel segíthetik új településeik és hatalmas templomaik építését. Mi van a dobozban? 19 Terület lapka 18 Számlapka 95 Nyersanyag kártya 25 Fejlesztés kártya 4 Építési...
Catan: Big Box Jubileumeditie contains the classic Catan board game, along with the expansion that allows up to six players to compete on the base game, the Frenemies scenario, the Helpers of Catan mini-expansion that gives each player a character with a bonus ability, the Mallorca scenario (printed on paper), and the New York scenario (printed on paper)....
The 2019 edition of Catan: Big Box contains the classic Catan board game, along with the expansion that allows up to six players to compete on the base game, the Catan Dice Game, the Frenemies scenario, the Helpers of Catan mini-expansion that gives each player a character with a bonus ability, the Corsica scenario (printed on paper), and the New York...
This is an expansion for Die Siedler von Catan (The Settlers of Catan). There are two scenarios that are included, Cheops and Alexander the Great. The first recreates the building of the pyramids ala Settlers, and the second follows the imperial expansion of Alexander the Great. Mayfair Games imported the German version in limited numbers, adding a version...