This is a party game from Piatnik played in teams with at least 2 players each. The teams draw cards and have to explain up to three phrases. A phrase could be something as "sparkling water melons" which most of the time cannot be found in a dictionary whereas the pair of first two words and the last pair could. This is specifically the case in languages...
Live your best life in Adulthood! Every turn, this game challenges 1-4 players to spend Time and Energy to generate Money, Happiness, and positive Impact. Choose a Career, seek out Experiences, find a Partner, and try to spend time on Wellness while dealing with unexpected Life Events. Featuring the art of Tim Brierly, Adulthood highlights the joys and...
Affenzirkus The Players take turns to roll and move. If a player lands on a yellow space, he may roll again. If the roll ends on a blue space, the figure continues to move along the blue track until the main track is reached again. Red spaces lead to a dead end. Anyone who lands on such a space jumps to the last space of this dead end. From there, they...
(whole title eng. Africa Travellers). New society game. Highly funny & amazing) Roll and move board game from 1900's about 8 famous Africa explorers: David Livingstone Heinrich Barth Gustav Nachtigal Antoine d'Abbadie Henry Morton Stanley László Magyar Georg Schweinfurth Gerhard Rohlfs. Each player choose the explorer. Each explorer has separate unique...
You draw a passenger manifest card which lists the destinations you must drop the passengers at. Various spaces on the board have you draw what are in effect random event cards that affect your "flight plan". Planes must move the exact amount thrown on the die, which typically leads to multiple passes over an airport, trying to land... Very random, with...
In Airport, the goal is to create the most profitable airline. The players start with a fixed number of aircraft which they distribute among the routes on the board. They then take turns rolling dice and moving their counters around the board. When a player lands on certain squares, he is paid for all aircraft he has on a particular route. The more...
The players take turns to roll and move. On the orange spaces the player may move an additional number of spaces forward, only on number 99 he has to move 9 spaces backwards. On the violet spaces the player may only move further when he rolls a 6. If a player gets on space 100 he has to go back to space 1. The first player to reach space 97 or 105 wins the...
The players take turns to roll and move. Each player starts on his own track with 2 pawns (pair of adult birds) on the spaces A1 and A2 of his color. When the birds have reached the spaces N1 and N2 they lay eggs and breed. The players have to roll 6 three times to hatch 6 baby birds on the spaces J1, J2 and J3. Only then the complete bird family assembles...
Players are given four bird figures to roll over a circuit and bring them to a birdhouse over certain target squares. The four-sided birdhouse has only three entrances and is turned each time a 6 is rolled. On some squares, opposing pieces may be hit and sent back to their starting square. The first player to place his four birds in the birdhouse wins the...