In Comic Book Boom!, you play as a publisher at the heights of the 1990's comic book craze, looking to make your fortune in the booming market. Whoever makes the most cash by the time the boom busts is the winner. There are three kinds of cards you'll collect and use throughout the game: Books – The comics titles that you publish. The amount you can profit...
In Common Earth you build your own nation, trying to score as many victory points as you can. At the same time you will have to take care of the planet in co-operation with other players. Cards that harm the planet are cheap, but also move the risk-meter towards the extreme to simulate the impact on planet earth. If players do not take care of the planet...
A Continental Express társasjáték egy kiváló építős stratégiai játék. A 2013-as esseni játékvásár egyik újdonsága, mely Charles Chevallier és Gael Lannurien kezei alól került ki.Angol:In Continental Express, players add train cars to their station in the hope of fulfilling objectives and maximizing the value of their secret contract. To start the game, each...
Players complete taco recipes by rolling the dice and matching the dice to the items on their cards. A turn consists of a single player rolling and rerolling the dice, with all players utilizing the dice results. Once all dice have been rolled and rerolled, all players use the ingredients shown on the dice by marking off the corresponding ingredients on...
Primarily a learning game for IT specialists. Either you and your teammates secure your server as an admin or you try to take over the opponent's server in your hacker team, whereby the game is played like a tower defense with deck building. Computer scientists can learn key terms from the IT industry and acquire important soft skills such as team...
Welcome to the forum, and to this meeting in particular. It is an honor to sit here with those who represent the big capital in the world through your megalomanic investment firms. Tonight in DAVOS, we are going to play out our activities for the coming 3,5 years. One by one we will be taking over the world's largest corporations in one of the 4 blocs; In...
Doom Guard is a cooperative board game for one to five players, who don the mantle of Earth's mightiest heroes and villains as they are forced to work together in order to protect Earth from total annihilation! Defeat the minions of Cthulhu, fight the spread of corruption, and beat back the forces of evil through 45-60 minute scenarios that can be played...
Once upon a time, in the dawn of time, when the Earth was full of magic, four main elements appeared: fire, earth, water, and nature. Dragons were the first creatures, and humans came later. People, eager to prove their superiority, started a war with the magical world and emerged victorious. Dragons remained only in legends and fairy tales, or so everyone...
La! La! Rise darkness against the tyrany of light! La! La! Down with the false God-Emperor! La! La! Let the reign of the black gods of the stars begin anew! The Goatmen are known to make bloody sacrifices to their dark gods, in exchange for arcane wisdom and unholy powers. One if these powers, one you suspect is tied to some sort of DNA manipulation, is...
The Explorers of Terra Fauna is a deckbuilding/troop-management and engine building game that takes place on a distant sci-fi world far in the future, where various animal and insect creatures have evolved to inherit a world abandoned by the “Ancient Giants”. Players curate decks around one or more of the main archetypes - Nature, Technology, Beetles and...