In a distant future, the stage is set for the desperate denizens of tomorrow to grasp at their final chance for glory and prosperity—a perilous venture within the confines of WarpGriT, an arena conceived and christened by its monolithic corporate progenitor. Herein lies the nexus of entertainment and opportunity, as the enigmatic Warpgrifters, thrust into...
Winds of Caribbean is a naval battle-themed game of sailing ships during the Age of Discovery, based on the system of the masterpiece Wings of War: Dawn of War. Players control sailboats, shoot cannons, and sometimes come alongside to fight and aim for victory. The big difference between Wings of War and Winds of Caribbean is that the former has the same...
Wings of War is a game series which merges card and board game mechanics to recreate aerial combat. The first series of Wings of War games focus on the "knights of the air" age, World War I, portraying the abilities of the fighting planes of this period. Airplanes are represented by a single card which is used as a playing piece on any open surface; the...
1939. The German war machine starts steamrolling over Europe. Earth and sky are aflame with battles. It’s the dawn of the largest war fought by mankind, and supremacy in the air can mean victory or defeat. The WW2 series of Wings of War is an easy, fun to play, fast and furious system which previous fans of the game will be able to start playing minutes...
Witching Weald is a short Programmed movement game for 1-10 players. The game was release as a free print and play for those who were isolated in the COVID-19 outbreak. The Witching Weald lies deep and dark. Few are those who have ventured in to the heart of its thicket and returned. Even fewer, those who returned with their sanity intact. In the depth of...
Yinzi: Ming is a new version of the game Yinzi (2019). New design, new artwork, new advancement capacities, and new balanced thank hundreds of feedback. Live a new experience of the first global economy in the world. China experienced the greatest economic expansion in its history during the Ming dynasty (1368–1644). The silver trade between the Americas...
YUAN, The Art of War, CHINA box, is a game of reflection and strategy for 2 to 4 players, with games lasting up to one hour, regardless of the number of players. The aim is to control a certain number of temples at the end of the turn. As this number decreases by one every two turns, one player is bound to reach the target within the hour. Each player...
YUAN, L'Art de la Guerre, version MONGOLIA, is a game of reflection and strategy for 2 to 4 players, with games lasting up to one hour, regardless of the number of players. The aim is to control a certain number of temples at the end of the turn. As this number decreases by one every two turns, one player is bound to reach the target within the hour. Each...
A highly strategic boxing game for 2 players. Predict your opponent's moves to get the KO! 1-2 Punch is an easy-to-learn strategic boxing card game that is easy to learn, but difficult to master. Similar to other abstract strategy games, 1-2 Punch rewards experienced players as they continue to play and hone their skills. Both players strategically play...
After Earth is safe from Xeta rays, the SoS (Saviors of Solar) has been reported from additional surveys that other planets are still affected by the Xeta rays. Among them is Jupiter. According to the observations and studies, it has shown that there are significant changes in the surface, color, and size of the Great Red Spot. For this reason, the SoS...