Based on Othello’s turning pieces ability and moves based on Chess moves, with only three different pieces, an external and internal ring and a main button, arrangement turns it...
Kategória: Stratégia
Mechanizmus: Lapka-elhelyezés, Rács mozgás, Static Capture, Négyszög-rács, Pattern Movement
Clash between a cunning submarine commander and a ruthless hunter in a thrilling duel in the Atlantic Ocean during World War II. The hunter searches for and destroys the...
Kategória: Tenger, Háború, Harc, II. világháború, Nyomtasd és Játszd
Mechanizmus: Vonal húzás, Memória, Rács mozgás, Solitaire, Négyszög-rács, Pattern Movement, Hidden Movement, Deduction
Une Nounou en fer ("An Iron Nanny") is a board game for all the family. All players are babies that do not want to stay at bed, and want to cross the room to eat candies. They...
Kategória: Verseny, Gyerek játék
Mechanizmus: Verseny, Connections, Pattern Movement
Introduction:Vaxandis (from Old Norse: Vaxandi ís, meaning "growing ice") is a drawless game for two players: Black and White. It is played on the intersections (points) of an...
Kategória: Stratégia, Építés / Terjeszkedés
Mechanizmus: Terület befolyásolás/irányítás, Pattern Movement, Line of Sight, Stacking and Balancing
Have you ever been watching soccer and thought man, this is boring! I wish these humans were vehicles. Like a tank, a train, a spaceship and even a boat. Vehicular Arrangers does...
Mechanizmus: Szövetségek, Egyidejű akciók, Hatszög-rács, Pakli tervezés, Rács mozgás, VIC-15 Circuit Breaker / Sudden Death, Változó setup, Three Dimensional Movement, Pattern Movement, Programmed Movement, Relative Movement, Multiple Maps
Introduction:Villawar or Villagers and Warriors is a two-player strategy game: Black and White. It is played on the squares (cells) of a checkered board with an initial setup....
Kategória: Stratégia
Mechanizmus: Rács mozgás, Static Capture, Négyszög-rács, Pattern Movement
Do you know that wallabies are small kangaroos, right? There you go! These little wallabies just found a field full of tasty plants, with only an old battered scarecrow to...
Kategória: Stratégia, Állat, Nyomtasd és Játszd
Mechanizmus: Moduláris tábla, Rács mozgás, Változó setup, Négyszög-rács, Pattern Movement, Programmed Movement, Map Reduction
Each player has 8 marbles of their color. They are placed on divot at the intersection between the lines. On your turn you must move one of your marble. A marble can move as far...
Kategória: Stratégia
Mechanizmus: Terület foglalás, Pattern Movement
Each player has 20 playing tokens: 1 fighter plane, 1 combat plane, 1 anti-aircraft gun, 1 artillery gun, 1 tank, 2 machine guns, 2 motorcycle gunners, 1 flamethrower, 2 hand...
Kategória: Háború, II. világháború
Mechanizmus: Rács mozgás, Static Capture, Négyszög-rács, Pattern Movement
For centuries members of noble families often married their relatives. In the case of regal kings and queens; this meant some heirs were born with “issues” or would have perished...
Kategória: Stratégia, Rejtvény / Kirakós, Partijáték
Mechanizmus: Akció pontok, Lapka-elhelyezés, Pakli tervezés, Minták, Merj és nyerj, Rács mozgás, Négyszög-rács, Pattern Movement, SET-03 Grid Coverage, Deduction, Slide/Push
Witt incorporates the single piece movement and the jump and capture mechanism of checkers along with allowing players to jump their own pieces as in chinese checkers. There are...
Kategória: Stratégia
Mechanizmus: Pontról pontra mozgás, Rács mozgás, Static Capture, Négyszög-rács, Pattern Movement
This game is a variant of chess inspired by international chess, shogi, and xiangqi. Some differences from chess: 1. the board is 8x9 2. the addition of a wizard piece which can...
Kategória: Stratégia
Mechanizmus: Rács mozgás, Static Capture, Négyszög-rács, Pattern Movement