Once, long ago, in another timeline, there was a storage-expansion for Millennium Blades called "collusion". The hubris and luxury of that gratuitous box was so great that the druid kings declared it could never be reprinted again. Thus, we changed the name and reprinted it again in this normal-sized box. Maybe they won't find out. Millennium Blades: Draw...
This mini-expansion contains: One character, L’oree, who has abilities that focus around cards with flavor text. She also has her own unique deckbox that she can claim at the start of each deckbuilding phase (even if she sold or traded it away). Five promo sets themed around other Level 99 games: Bullet Heart Cool Animal Facts Bullet Star Space Chase...
Nine additional sets of promotional cards for use within the Millennium Blades Card Board Game. These promo sets were Sponsored by friends in the gaming industry who have offered to let us print some of their characters on promotional Millennium Blades cards! These cards will be hard to find outside the project. Includes: Mage Wars Promo Set UFS Red...