Duelists is a two-player tactical card game. Set in a fictive fantasy setting, champions from all over the known world meet to compete for the title of champion of Duelists. Every character comes with their own deck of cards featuring different attacks, defenses and abilities. Players take turns planning and attacking. There's always three cards played out...
Two gladiators face each other in the arena. Each player choses a card from the 5 available, and they are revealed simultaneously. Effects include damage to your opponent, pushing him on the ground, and raising yourself from the ground. The effect depends also on what your opponent plays - try to guess his move. You can't chose the same action twice in a...
Imagine you can control the forces of a noble family, guild, or religious order on a barren planet which is the only source for the most valuable substance in the known universe. Imagine you can rewrite the script for one of the most famous science fiction books of all time. Welcome to the acclaimed 40-year-old board game which allows you to recreate the...
The "Ruthless Leadership" promo card offered by DireWolf to pre-order customers of Dune: Imperium – Bloodlines. Agent ability: If you have one or more Sardaukar Commanders in the Conflict: trash two cards. Reveal ability: Gain one persuasion and one battle point. If you generate 6 or more persuasion, you may add troops to the Conflict. This card is...
While the monsters wait for more heroes to wander into the dungeon to meet their untimely end, they bide their time by playing games they learned through torturing adventurers. For the most part, they understand how to play, but they’re a little hazy on things like the rules against cheating and whatnot. Dungeon Ball gives 1-2 players a fast-paced, arcade...
You’re trapped in the dungeon below Brüttleburg, but there is a chance for escape! Make your way through the maze-like corridors, collecting loot and battling monsters, and find the exit first to win! Watch out though, in addition to lurking monsters, there could be a jailor around the next corner, or one of your opponents trying to stop you! Players draw...
Dungeon Solitaire – The Goblin King is a solitaire dungeon crawl where you explore a dungeon with monsters, traps, doors and secret passages. Travers the 5 levels of the dungeon, find the keys to unlock each level door, and destroy any monsters in your way until you reach the final Big Boss – The Goblin King and destroy him. You only need two decks of...
Dungeon Twister is a 2-player high level strategy game where 2 teams of adventurers with various powers are trapped in a dungeon. The board is composed of 8 rooms that can be moved and rotated by the players. Each turn, a player is able to spend actions to move around the dungeon, pick up and use items, battle with the opponents team, or turn and move the...