Age of Colors is a civilization-building card game inspired by color theory. Players manage colored cards representing different aspects of their empire—such as economy, military, and culture—and strategically combine them to purchase powerful cards, complete events, and gain victory points. Each turn, players use cards to either increase their skills or...
The Age of Dinosaurs is an interactive strategy board game. Theme: Players migrate populations of twelve dinosaur species across varying habitats in a quest to find food and avoid being eaten. Just as in a real ecosystem, each different species occupies its own niche, with different food requirements, fighting ability, speed, and favored habitats. The...
Step into the strategic realm of Age of Myths, set in ancient Greece, a board game where you embody a warlord devoted to a god, driven by the ambition to conquer the world. Accumulate gold, battle formidable mythological monsters, amass armies, and overcome your adversaries to emerge victorious. Basics of Gameplay The gameplay unfolds during 20 rounds...
In 'Counter Agents' you control 12 agents with which you must infiltrate your opponent's base. Basically, you must get one of your pieces on to your opponent's baseline. When moving, it is important to keep 'in contact' with a piece on your own baseline. Contact is maintained by being in a direct, unobstructed line with the piece or via lines of contact...
Agents in Time is a time travelling game in which players begin with a team of two Agents, and are charged with flitting in and out of parallel time lines trying to achieve Objectives dictated by cards drawn at the start and during the game, all the while avoiding the Xanadu Time Patrol and ideally ensuring they keep overall control of their misdemeanours...
Agents of M.A.R.S. is a hidden information abstract strategy game for two players. Players create a secret objective for themselves assigning colours to certain multipliers. Following that the players take turns drawing pyramids from a bag and placing them on a board with the goal of trying to either create or prevent the creation of clusters of certain...
Agents of M.A.R.S.: Objective Initiative is a small optional expansion for the core game, which adds a series of objective cards that can be drawn at the start of the game to guarantee that both players don’t have the same setup. The expansion includes two 24 card decks. The only difference between these two decks is the colour scheme used for the cards....
Aggression is a war-game for two players. Each has 100 armies to be distributed in certain countries on a map which is drawn at the start of the game. A series of battles are then fought with the object of neutralising enemy armies. The player retaining control of the most countries is the winner. There are three phases, in each of which the same player...
Most abstract strategy games are played with a single, central goal in mind, or sometimes a secondary goal. For example, in Chess it is to checkmate the King, in Checkers it is to eliminate all of the opponent's pieces or force a stalemate. Aggression is different in that it has several possible goals in play simultaneously. All the pieces move and capture...
This serious game has been designed to bring to life the Agile Mindset and to help teams understanding how the mindset is different from a practice (easy stuff) and why practices and tools are just the basic steps of the journey to become an high performing team (difficult stuff). The Agile Mind is articulated in 3 levels (Values,Principles, Practices &...