Downtown: Air War Over Hanoi, 1965-1972 is a game of air warfare over Hanoi. During the Rolling Thunder (1965-68) and Linebacker (1972) campaigns, Hanoi and the Red River Valley was the focus of American air operations intended to pressure North Vietnam's Communist leadership into ceasing their attacks on the South. Against large "packages" of US attack...
The Dragon and The Bear is a two-player wargame of a hypothetical China-Soviet War in 1969. One commands People's Liberation Army and the other commands USSR Army. The map describes the Northeast China (ex-Manchuria) and a part of Russia and Mongolia. Each unit represents a division. The theme and components look like SPI's classic The East is Red: The...
Modern War #45, November 2019. The Dragon and The Hermit Kingdom is a two player game that covers the hypothetical simulation of a second Korean War that could occur in the very near future. This game is a precursor to The Dragon that Engulfed the Sun (Modern War #42). It simulates the war that would have occurred on the Korean peninsula just prior to that...
The Dragon that Engulfed the Sun is a two-player operational-strategic-level wargame simulating a hypothetical Chinese invasion of Japan. The premise of this game is a sudden war has erupted on the Korean peninsula, compelling China to intervene in the conflict—this time well before the United States could reinforce South Korea sufficiently to prevent it...
Modern War #12, Mar-Apr 2014 Dragon vs Bear: China vs Russia in the 21st Century is a wargame based on the premise that the People’s Republic of China and the Russian Federation go to war sometime in the twenty-first century. The game is an update of SPI’s East Is Red game, specifically showing the developments in warfare that have occurred in the...
Drive on Baghdad: 2003 is a solitaire game in which the player takes command of Central Command Forces during Operation Iraqi Freedom. Your goal is to defeat Saddam Hussein’s forces in such a manner as to prevent a post-campaign insurgency from breaking out. The system plays the Iraqis. You will have to deal with a variety of situations, such as: battling...
Drive on Frankfurt: NATO-Soviet Future Warfare in West Germany, is the theme of the first game published in CounterAttack magazine No.1 (October 1987). One player controls the NATO forces and the other player, Soviet (based on the weapons of the day... 1987). Points are awarded for control of urban and town centres and for NATO unit losses. The net Soviet...
Drive on Pyongyang, designed by Ty Bomba, is an updated "what-if" simulation of the fighting that might occur on the Korean peninsula if the US-led anti-terrorism Coalition launches a ground war to finally settle with the Pyongyang regime. The game is a two-player wargame of low-to-intermediate complexity that postulates this might-be war lasting about a...
Duel Moderne is a French set of miniature skirmish rules. The rules cover 6 time periods: colonial era, WWI, WWII, Viet-Nam war, present day, and sci-fi. The game scale is tactical (1 miniature represent 1 man or 1 vehicle, 1cm represent 1m and a turn represent 5 seconds) and uses simultaneous action resolution mechanics. There are rules for vehicles...
The party card game of nuclear thievery. Someone at the table has the holographic Nuke Codes card. But who? Use cards in your hand to find out who and secretly steal them for yourself. Now that you have the codes you will need to protect them and try to throw people off your scent or everyone will be after you! The codes will switch hands multiple times so...
User summary: A modern warfare wargame, intended to be used with 1/285 miniatures and terrain tiles, developed and adopted as a training tool by US Army from 1977 to 1997. The scale is one inch to 50 meters. A curtain is suspended half way down the playing area to simulate fog of war, and can be moved forward or backward depending on the knowledge of the...