"Nights of Fire: Battle for Budapest" is the second wargame in a duology adapting the events of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution for modern board game form. Following the Hungarian success in part one, this game starts as the Red Army arrives at the edge of the capital and pushes into the heart of the city, bent on retribution, destruction, and ruthless...
The last remnants of Humanity fight a desperate resistance against an Alien invasion that has taken over Earth. A board game for 2-7 players pits a group of up to 6 marines against an enemy player who controls the Aliens. Featuring mission based play, a modular board, a campaign based skill and equipment system, and variable enemy selection that gives a...
A2/AD Fleet is a modern air and sea fighting game from the Technical Term game company in Japan. A2/AD Fleet takes place in the Malacca Strait and the Andaman Islands. The game is an addition to Victory Games' "Fleet" series of games. A2/AD is a military term for "anti-access/area denial, and A2/AD Fleet does touch on A2/AD tactics. China, India, the...
"Able Archer" is wargaming systém, which will put players into role of company or battalion commanders durning fictional conflict in 1983. You will assume command of NATO or WARPAC ground forces. You will lead tanks,infantry but even artillery or airforces. You will be fighting in conflict that was greatest fear of every politician and commander durning...
Resolution 181 is an expansion for the Above the Clouds! air-combat miniature wargame rules. It covers the Arab-Israeli conflict from 1948-1983. Resolution 181 is intended to provide enough background information for Above the Clouds! aficionados to generate interesting missions set in the various clashes of the Arab-Israeli conflict. This conflict has...
From the makers of Ace of Aces, the WWI dogfighting game, comes Jet Eagles, the Modern Air Combat Game. Gameplay is very similar to Ace of Aces (two books each depicting the view from your fighter jet) with rules for advanced weapons such as missiles. Players each choose their maneuvers, and then using a formula, turn to a new page in their book to see the...
Across Suez is an operational level simulation of the Battle of Chinese Farm, 15 October 1973. The Israeli high command planned to cross the Suez Canal in order to isolate the Egyptian Third Army, but two Egyptian divisions threatened to block the Israeli counteroffensive. Across Suez is a relatively simple, yet challenging recreation of the wildest and...
Considered a novel in game form in which you are placed in the position of Convoy Commander who must make decisions such as - warn or shoot down an unidentified aircraft - as your fleet moves through the Persian Gulf to complete it's mission. Using metal scale models of your convoy, you guide your ships on a map Persian Gulf through hostile aircraft, naval...
From the Rules: You command an Action Man force of 19 units. You objective is to put all the opposing forces out of action by capturing all their surviving units and commanders. The Action Man Game is a simple roll and move game, taking appropriate actions according to the squares landed on. When opposing force commanders land on the same square they must...
The civil war in Yemen has been going on since 2015; fought between the government, a rebellious faction, and their respective allies. Each group claims to be the legitimate government of Yemen. The fighting uses everything from World War 2 leftovers to modern ballistic missiles, with Saudi Arabian troops and US drone strikes helping the government and...
User summary: Advanced Persistent Threat Challenge, or APT Challenge, is a card game for two players with a theme of Advanced Persistent Threat, a method of cyber attack. Players assume the role of cyber attackers who are planning to steal confidential documents from each other. To achieve their goals, they have to read each other's hand, plan an effective...