"BAOR - British Army of the Rhine - The Thin Red Line in the 1980's" is one of several games in the Central Front Series published by SPI in the 1980s. "BAOR" appeared in the September/October 1981 issue of Strategy & Tactics magazine #88. Both the game and series depict the early days of World War III in West Germany. Combat is conducted at the company...
From the publisher's Website Baptism of Fire II, BoF II, is a complete revision and overhaul of the original ‘Baptism of Fire: World War II Skirmish Wargaming’ (BoF) and ‘Wild Fire’ (WF) miniature wargames. The result will seem familiar to players of these first games, but in many of the mechanisms and details there has been change. The changes have made...
Bar Lev is a game of the 1973 Arab-Israeli War, referred to by the Israelis as the War of Atonement or the Yom Kippur War, and by the Arabs as the War of Ramadan. Players will represent the Israeli and Arab high commands and maneuver their units and conduct combat in an attempt to attain the objectives of their respective nations. Because of the two front...
On October 6, 1973 the combined forces of Syria and Egypt launched a major attack to regain their lands lost to Israel in 1967. What resulted was the most intense armored and mechanized combat since World War II. And this is what the game of BAR-LEV is all about. Using two highly detailed map boards, BAII.-LEV completely captures all the fluidity of this...
Generic land battle strategy board game. Box measures 20" x 11 1/4". Single-fold mounted color game board with 21 x 19 one-inch-square grid superimposed to regulate movement. Terrain represented includes Mountain, Forest, Plains, Fords, and Rivers. Multi-square Airfields also represented. Miniature plastic pieces include Tanks, APCs and Airplanes (six...
Unlike the other well known games called Battle Cry, this one is about modern warfare from the 70´s. You fight with ground and air units, but you don´t have atomic strike forces. There are two parties (red and blue), but you can play it with up to ten people, so that everybody can lead a part of the army. There is a large board, 80x150cm, with a painting...
Battle for Baghdad is a unique multi-player game in which players represent different factions vying for control of the governance of Iraq during US occupation. The game emphasizes the roles and capabilities of the various factions involved, and demonstrates how asymmetric capabilities can be leveraged to generate favorable outcomes. The playing surface is...
A free introductory wargame, using GDW's First Battle game system, which was given away in the early 90s at conventions and in game shops. The game simulates a hypothetical attack in and around Basra, Iraq during the First Gulf War. One player commands the U.S. 24th Mechanized Division, the other player, the Iraqi Republican Guard. As an introductory game...
Battle for Fallujah is a solitaire wargame modeling the first Coalition offensive against the insurgent held city of Fallujah in April 2004, designed as part of an MA in War Studies at Kings College, London in 2008-2009. As the coalition player, you must weigh up the costs/benefits of using the readily available heavy weaponry to support your two Marine...
From the Rules: "Battle for Fallujah: New Dawn is a simple, single player game simulating the second battle for Fallujah, Iraq. The game begins on day D+1, November 8, 2004. While fighting in Fallujah continued until the end of December, this game portrays the first seven days of battle in which Coalition forces took the most territory and faced the...
Part of SPI's Modern Battles II: Four Contemporary Conflicts series, This game is at the operational level with hexes measuring a mile across, simulates combat between the Israeli and Jordanian forces on the West Bank during 1967's Six Day War (starting June 5th through June 10th). A historical scenario is the main game, but there is also a non-historical...