Cyanide & Happiness and Pornhub bring you 50 steamy new cards to add to your Joking Hazard game! This is an expansion pack! It requires Joking Hazard to play 50 porn-themed cards so erotic they should be banned everywhere except Utah, where they're needed most Yes, we came up with the name Stroking Hazard first and then worked backwards If you want to...
The time for FOMO is over. Welcome to the age of JOMO: The Joy Of Missing Out. Fed up with having to attend events that you hate? Would you rather stay in and TikTok, update your Instagram stories or watch Netflix? Well then, this is the adult party game for you. Simply find the funniest excuses to get out of life’s most mundane moments. It’s really that...
Your day started off pretty well but by adding "shitty day" cards to your story, you find that it just gets more and more rotten. Accumulate awkward and embarrassing situations to have the worst shitty day by picking or placing a card. The winner is the player with the high score (points are written on each card). An aperitif game to spend hilarious...
From publishers website: Low budget original board game for 2 – 8 players, packaged in the foil as a magazine. In role of the most well-known gentlemen rogue and very cheer and wanton ladies a player try to collect the points of their realized desires. The only strategy and erotic game all over the world. Juchajdo! is a humorous Czech adult-themed game...
JYNX is a Contract Rummy-type card game that compounds hilarious must-perform actions on players—by players—to prevent them from winning. Because of its unique interactivity, JYNX can be played with a family-friendly G-Rating or NSFW R-Rating depending on players. JYNX naturally invokes the two things I love about card games: Everyone laughing and everyone...