Itt a Flashpoint ciklus második kártyacsomagja 60 új lappal a dobozban.Angol:Description from the publisher: For twenty-three seconds, Runners tear through Titan Transnational Bank, completing an untold number of transactions. Trillions of credits are...
A Mumbad ciklus második paklija a Business First.Angol:Passions flare and Jinteki faces a game-changing crisis in Android: Netrunner – Business First, the second Data Pack in the "Mumbad Cycle". As the issue of clone rights rises to...
A harmadik data pakli a Mumbad ciklusban.Angol:Description from the publisher: Democracy and Dogma is the third Data Pack in the Mumbad Cycle for Android: Netrunner, and its sixty new cards (including a complete playset of...
Íme a Flashpoint ciklus harmadik kártyacsomagja, ami 60 lapot tartalmaz.Angol:Description from the publisher: Escalation is the third Data Pack in the Flashpoint Cycle for Android: Netrunner, and its sixty new cards (three copies each of twenty different...
A Fear the Masses a Mumbad ciklus hatodik tagja.Angol:From the publisher: "Clean yourself up, and play the game. Play the part like you always have, and maybe you’ll survive. Frag this up, and you’ll wish you’d never been born."...
Itt a Flashpoint ciklus negyedik kártyacsomagja, ami 60 lapot tartalmaz.Angol:Description from the publisher: Intervention is the fourth Data Pack in the Flashpoint Cycle for Android: Netrunner, and its sixty cards (three copies each of twenty different...
A Mumbad ciklus első Data Pack-ja a Kala Ghoda.Angol:From the publisher's website: "Clones are not people. The outcomes of our elections must recognize this truth." –Raman Rai, V.P. of Jinteki India Kala Ghoda is the first Data...
Az ötödik data pakk a Flashpoint ciklusból.Angol:Description from the publisher: Martial Law is the fifth and penultimate Data Pack in the Flashpoint Cycle for Android: Netrunner, and it advances our understanding of how deeply...
A Mumbad ciklus negyedik paklija a Salsette Island.Angol:Description from the publisher: The fourth Data Pack in the Mumbad Cycle for Android: Netrunner, Salsette Island introduces sixty new cards (including a complete playset of...
The Liberated Mind a Mumbad ciklus ötödik paklija.Angol:Description from the publisher: Explore the more transcendent qualities of life on the Network. The idea of an expanded consciousness runs throughout The Liberated Mind, the...
A pakliban található kártyák listája: Identity (1): Haas-Bioroid: Engineering the Future Agenda (9): Accelerated Beta Test (3), Project Vitruvius (1), Global Food Initiative (2), NAPD Contract (3) Asset (9): Adonis Campaign (3), Eve Campaign (3), Jackson Howard (3) Ice (17): Architect (3), Eli 1.0 (3), Ichi 1.0 (3), Ichi 2.0 (2), Turing (3), Tollbooth...
A pakliban található lapok listája: Identity (1): Valencia Estevez Event (10): Inject (3), Queen’s Gambit (2), Account Siphon (2), Blackmail (3) Hardware (1): Turntable (1) Program (5): D4v1d (2), Faust (3) Resource (34): Data Leak Reversal (3), Joshua B (3), Off-Campus Apartment (3), Scrubber (3), Street Peddler (3), Drug Dealer (3), Fall Guy (3), Daily...