Győzz a varázspárbajokban – Házad dicsőségére! A Stupor™ pörgős partijáték nagyobb társaságoknak is – Harry Potter varázsvilágában. Ebben a társasjátékban a játékosok...
3 felhasználó árulja, 7 000 Ft-tól
In this team hidden identity game, you will play as a member of the magical community in the Order of the Phoenix during the second Wizarding War. You know everyone should be...
A Talisman: Harry Potter ötvözi a Talisman ismerős játékmenetét a Harry Potter ismerős karaktereivel. Voldemort nagyúr várja a legtehetségesebb boszorkányokat és varázslókat...
Destination Hogwarts is the fast moving Harry Potter game that will take you on a journey through Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry and the surrounding grounds! As a...
Several of Newt Scamander's magical beasts have escaped and are running loose in New York City. In Fantastic Beasts: Perilous Pursuit, players take on the role of Newt, Tina...
Description from Players in Hogwarts must navigate the castle's shifting staircases and secret passages – something in the book and movie that's represented in...
The newest Harry Potter Board Game allows players to take the roles of their favorite Harry Potter Characters and enter the magical world of the Dueling Club. Players may travel...
Witches and wizards, welcome to Hogwarts! Looking for fun new adult board games, kids board games, or Harry Potter gifts for women? Test your wizarding skills in a collection of...
During a school trip to Hogsmeade, you and your wizard friends decide to pay a visit to Honeydukes. After indulging in various treats, the group decides to turn this into a...
A CARD GAME FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY: Put your memory to the ultimate test with your fellow witches and wizards at your next magical party and game night with this incredibly...
In Harry Potter: Reveal the Death Eaters, the Ministry of Magic leads a group of witches and wizards, disguised as Muggles, through alternating night and day cycles. At night...
Description from the publisher: Showcase your knowledge of J.K Rowling's wizarding world when you encounter one thousand picture trivia questions featuring the beloved...