Azt hiszed egy régész élete könnyű? A Tikal társasjátékban ősi maya kincsek után kell kutatnod, miközben még a maya nép hatalmas templomait is ki kell ásnod, hogy te legyél a...
4 felhasználó árulja, 5 000 Ft-tól
Besides attempting to find oil in dusty Texas, players must also try to outbid one another for sales contracts in the oil industry. An oilfield with drilling sites scattered...
1 felhasználó árulja, 5 000 Ft-tól
Union Pacific is a train-themed stock market game. On each turn, players must choose between expanding a company to increase its value and adding a share of stock to their hand...
In the freezing frost of the Arctic, the Inuit — or polar bears, depending on which edition of the game you own — dedicate themselves to their favorite occupation: ice fishing....