A Spyfall nevű társas a partijátékok seregét gyarapítja. Maga a játék egy egyszerű gondolat köré épül, az alap szituáció ugyanis az, hogy kémként megpróbálod kideríteni, hogy mi is folyik körülötted. Légy laza, mint James Bond és vesd bele magad egy ismeretlen szituációba! Nyomozás és okfejtés A játékhoz kártyaszettek tartoznak, melyek közül a játék...
Titkos ügynök - Agent Undercover társasjáték 3500 Ft-tól! - 4 felhasználó és 6 üzlet árulja ezt a játékot!
Egy jó toplistákat mindenki szeret – és a legnagyobb szerencsénk, hogy nincs olyan helyzet, amire ne tudnánk pikk-pakk összeállítani egyet. A hihetetlen szituációkat 18-as karikás kiadásban is megtaláljuk, úgyhogy még vadabb témákra kell hasonlóan vad variációkkal előállnotok. Ha a Top 10 partijáték bejött akkor itt a folytatás, a Top (18+), ami még...
Top 10 (18+) társasjáték 6000 Ft-tól! - 1 felhasználó és 35 üzlet árulja ezt a játékot!
In each game of French Toast, one player acts as the Toastmaster, drawing a Secret Word that you and your friends have to guess. The catch? The Toastmaster may only communicate by repeating your guesses back to you! Each time someone makes a guess, the Toastmaster must decide whether that guess is “closer” to their Secret Word than the “closest” previous...
French Toast társasjáték 8790 Ft-tól! - 1 üzlet árulja ezt a játékot!
Barbarossa, in Italian "red beard" was, according to its inventor, inspired by Patricia McKillip's Riddle-Master fantasy trilogy (Die Schule der Rätselmeister in the German translation), in which wizards are devoted to the creation of riddles and riddle solving tournaments. In an interview designer Klaus Teuber stated "As you know there are moments when...
Breaking news! A lost world has been discovered, and clues leading to its secret entrance have been disseminated all around the world. Your goal? Find them! Driven only by your courage, you decide to follow in the footsteps of those first explorers and launch a worldwide expedition, but you're not the only one on this quest... In Lost Explorers, each...
Lost Explorers társasjáték 5500 Ft-tól! - 2 felhasználó árulja ezt a játékot!
This expansion for the game Abstratus will challenge your building skills with amazing new words! This time, all the words are titles of works of art, which will inspire you in the game to create new constructions! The four groups of cards bring a total of 144 names of works by 78 visual artists from Brazil, divided into 4 levels of difficulty. And, of...
Build your Pop world with your hands and imagination! In Abstratus Pop, players must represent their secret words through sculptures using colorful, transparent pieces and mirrors. With special chips, players interact with each other, being able to limit, exchange, take or negotiate pieces. Abstratus Pop invites you to dive into the POP universe in a...
Find alien words and score points for them. The more victory points you score, the better the result of the first contact will be! During the game each player chooses from their picture cards the one that matches their word card the best. Then each player places that picture card face up before themselves and word card face down in the center of the table....
A Board Game of Influence, Mystery and Terror! What follows is based on true historical events: Something monstrous stalks the French countryside of Gévaudan. A terrible beast is slaying scores of innocents, and particularly relishes in targeting young women and children. On New Year’s Eve, 1764, the Bishop of Mende proclaims the Beast a scourge sent by...
Social deduction in a poetic muddle The human mind is unverifiable. We only ever directly experience our own, private thoughts. With that in mind, how well can you communicate a series of concrete and abstract concepts to a partner using only simile and metaphor? Moreover, do you trust them to tell you if they got it wrong? According to philosopher Ludwig...
Each player is dealt with 5 cards and as game begins, One player picks a quote card and reads it out to the other players, Each other player selects the card in their hands that best matches the quote and gives the selected card to the dealer, without showing it to the others. The dealer shuffles the cards with all the received cards. All pictures are...
"Boo-ty Call" is a party game of deduction and seduction where lonely mediums interpret cryptic answers from a sexy ghost in a race to score! Imagine if Guess Who and Red Flags had a spooky baby. That would be this game! One player will be acting as a Ghost, looking to get a little lively with the living. They will draw a Ghost Profile card and learn their...