Fish Off is a 2-4 player competitive dice and tile fishing game where you catch and steal fish from players through a tug-of-war dice mechanic. Players compete to catch and steal point value fish to earn the highest score over 3 matches. Most of the game is played synchronously, meaning that players all take their turns at the same time allowing the game...
“Halt! What business have you in our glorious city? Sir, kind sir, please let us in! Our villages were plundered by the giants not two days past. Flee we did, but they come behind us! Won’t you take us in? Nearby villages you say? Hmm, you provide us much grain. Our city council perchance might let you in. But you must show us your papers. Queue up! Our...
In Flick Forts, players take charge of an endearing team of well-intentioned but poorly trained fantasy characters, each vying for battlefield control. Characters are represented by poker chips that form a player's starting fort. Each turn, players take a character from their fort and use the chip to attack the opponent, Crokinole-style, or to build a...
Players become developers of rockets launching artificial satellites. Outwit other researchers and become the leader to ensure a successful launch. It's a bluffing and deduction card game for 2 to 5 players. —description from the publisher (translated) プレーヤーは人工衛星を打ち上げるロケットの研究者になります。 他の研究者を出し抜きリーダーとなって打ち上げを成功させましょう。 ブラフと推測が鍵の2〜5人向けのカードゲームです。 —description...
Florilegium is a card game that showcases the botanically accurate illustrations of Elaine Shimwell. Players are artists building their collection of botanical art over the year. Players draw a card from either the draw deck or the discard pile and then play a card to the correct season. At the end of the game, the player who has the lowest total value in...
Play to determine what your fortune will be in Fortune Cookies, the mystical game of tempting fate from Ridley's. On a plate in front of you sit 12 Fortune Cookies. Many are unfortunate, but some predict great things. Use magic scrolls to strategically change your fate, but other players can influence it, too! Will you end up with good fortune, or does...
Unearth the fascinating world of fossils with Fossil Sweep! Fossils come in various forms, from hardened animal bones to intricate plant imprints. In Fossil Sweep, players use strategy and decision-making to match the fossil layers on the cards in their hands to the card layers on the dig site. Cards have different point values, and the goal of the game is...
Friba is a game about disc golf. Players make throws and try to reach from start to the finish (basket) with as few throws as possible. The game is currently available only in Finnish language but English version is planned (if there is at least someone interested). Key features: Players make progress decisions using only two cards. This speeds up the game...
The bear cubs are looking for the best place to live. Place them in any configuration to ensure their well-being depends on the environment and feed them with the fish, which doubles well-being to particular bear. Ensure their best possible well-being by placing bear cards touching eachother on the table up to 7. Every player growing his own environment...
Fury of the Elements is a simple-to-learn and quick-to-play thrilling card game. It features two game modes in which players can choose between simplicity and complexity. Fury offers a fast-paced 3x3 battle on the strategy play mat, similar to Final Fantasy's Triple Triad. A typical Fury game lasts for just 5-10 minutes. Use two 60-card Power Decks and the...
The game is played with a football-like die with numbers and arrows on the sides. The player who throws a number with an arrow pointing forwards can rush forward. The player who throws a number with an arrow pointing backwards must run back. The player who throws a number with an arrow pointing to the right or left can run sideways. The player who throws...