SALVAGE: Deep Space is a co-operative legacy tabletop game for up to four players that places emphasis on customization, narrative, and teamwork. To uncover a compelling narrative woven from the results of their own choices, players will group together to perform missions as Salvage Suit Pilots in command of fourteen foot tall Exo-Mechs. During these...
It is the year 801 BC in the Neo-Assyrian Empire, Ancient Mesopotamia. Queen Sammuramat’s capital Kalhu is being attacked by the Enemy, and her bannermen are rallying to form a Queen’s Guard to defend the city. This card game simulates a field battle outside the Gates of Kalhu. You will need two decks: One for the Enemy and one for Queen’s Guard of 2-4...
Sexual communication is an extremely important part of any healthy relationship. Satisfy is a game where two players act as partners, each trying to satisfy each other’s needs by following clues and trying their best to finish as simultaneously as possible. The players each have a set of increasingly difficult secret Goals that they want to try to satisfy...
Say What?! The Adult Party Game! The adult party game about conjuring up clues about ridiculously disgusting cards with sneaky deceptions and challenging bids. Contents: 250 cards, 150 betting chips and a bottle opener to mark the correct card. Go from party zero, to party hero – and reap the rewards that come along with Party Champ status. An unsavory...
A co-operative deduction 16 card micro-game where players must use limited communication to deduce the identity of a single secret card (the "Secret Flower"). Released as a promotional game during Asian Board Games Festival (ABGF) 2023 at Singapore, this game features flowers from the participating countries. To play, set aside one hidden card as the...
3-6 players compete against each other in various challenges based on the theme of the selfie. The players use spinner to determine the category of the round. Players move their standees around the board determining a word, which they either act out as a selfie (still frame), boomerang (pantomime without any aids), or challenge (detailed on a challenge...
A taktikai egység beavatkozott egy túszejtéses rablásba, de a tettesek nyom nélkül eltűntek. Mi történhetett? Kövesd a nyomokat a detektívekkel, hogy választ találj minden kérdésre! Vajon megtalálod az ellopott ékszereket? A játékosoknak detektívek szerepében kell titokzatos ügyeket megoldaniuk. Pár egyszerű szabályt követve, először elemezniük kell az...
A man dies during the night on the Sind Mail passenger train. Who is to blame? How did you do it? Why? Your team of detectives must analyze the clues to answer these and many other questions. Will you find out who the murderer was and what are his motivations? Choose a card from your hand and place it on the table, so all players can read or see the entire...
Egy üzletember hirtelen halála után a miami rendőrség segítséget kér, hogy megtudja, mi történt. Ki a gyilkos? Hogyan gyilkolták meg az áldozatot? És miért? Kövesd a nyomokat a detektívekkel, hogy minden kérdésre választ találj! Vajon meg tudod oldani Salvatore Sollai halálának rejtélyét? A játékosoknak detektívek szerepében kell titokzatos ügyeket...