Me, Myself, and Ice Cream is a light mix-and-match strategy game that can be played as a solitaire game by adults, or cooperatively by kids. You play as a dessert chef working in a kitchen to make the foods desired by your customer. At the beginning of the game, choose a character to be your customer. Shuffle the 15 food cards and deal them face up in...
Lets face it, trolls are a bit grumpy and usually don't get along well with others. Fortunately for this group of disgruntled trolls they happen to be quarreling in a field full of boulders. In Me Throw Rock players play the role of trolls who happen to be in the thick of an argument that can only be settled by throwing large rocks at each other. The...
Mea Culpa ár: 11 720Ft. Menyország és tisztítótűz: a Mea Culpa a bűnösökről és a bűnökről szól. Akár a piacon, akár a vöröslámpás negyedben látják, a császár vagy pápa egész nap keményen dolgozik. Még a legszánalmasabb fösvénynek is hasznos lesz a jótanács, hogy igyekezzék minél több drágakövet és bort gyűjteni, amiből elegendő adományt adhat Isten...
Pitting player against player, the goal of Mecca to Medina is to complete a series of Trading Routes faster than one’s opponents by collecting the required symbolic resources. Combining geography and world culture into its game play, Mecca to Medina is as educational as it is entertaining. Unlike other board games, action lurks around every corner of Mecca...
Simple auction card game. Players have a money cards from 10 to 150 dollar bids, and two special cards "Sheikh" and "Forgery". They bid on paintings, the paintings bring victory points (4 to 15) and have a frame of color, if you collect three pictures of the same frame, yout get another 5 points. Forgery of "fake" Gameplay is a blind auction. After...
Mech Wars is part logical, part strategical board game which also uses card drawing mechanics. Rules aren't complicated but every game is fun and demanding entertainment. Here you will get a chance to lead a team of mechs - enormous robot-like war machines. Using a wide variety of weapons you will try to secure a victory against other mechraider leaders....
"The search for fame and glory has lured many MechWarriors to the gladiatorial splendor of the Solaris VII arenas. Legends like Danai Liao-Centrella and Yulri Wolf earned their notoriety by competing and triumphing in the no-holds-barred, ’Mech™-on-’Mech duels of the planet’s combative environment. Will you become the next MechWarrior to reign at Solaris...
A long, long time ago, after a loot of a cursed treasure, a pirate ship was devastated by an intense storm and pushed into the lowlands of a distant archipelago. The enigmatic medallions recovered by the natives over the years and the strange events that have taken place ever since, make the population on the islands fear that the curse is upon them. In...
A monopoly (from Greek monos μόνος (alone or single) + polein πωλεῖν (to sell)) exists when a specific person or enterprise is the only supplier of a particular commodity. Monopoly is a roll-and-move game where players move around the game board buying or trading properties, developing their properties with houses and hotels. When opponents land on players...
In Medical Frontier, players play medicine-developing researchers, and their mission is to distribute their own budget on different drug development projects to make new drugs. Players need to ensure the new drugs are safe and efficient in treating diseases, while keeping the side effects at controllable levels. Once you meet all of these marketing...
Medici: The Card Game is a new design by Reiner Knizia that shares the setting and feel of the classic Medici board game, without using that game's auction mechanisms. In 15th century Florence, players try to acquire the most valuable goods for their merchant ships by drawing 1-3 cards from a common deck each turn. After drawing, the active player must...