You are a surviving Sorcerer-Lord from the Erret Archipelago. A territory where hundreds of islands are connected together by huge bridges. Bridges once conferred the Archipelago greatness and prosperity, and permitted flourishing trade between its islands. The Archipelago's wealth, which would only transit through these bridges, offered every resident a...
In the land of Fabulosa, powerful magics have rendered war obsolete. With nothing else to compete for, the bored populace has turned to the Super Brawl for entertainment. These same powerful magics are now used to reach back into the timelines to pluck out the finest warriors from every civilization in order to compete against each other in the greatest...
Super Fantasy Brawl társasjáték 35000 Ft-tól! - 1 felhasználó árulja ezt a játékot!
Az ókori Egyiptom istenei hadba szólítanak. A sivatag homokjában emberek ezrei menetelnek a városok ellen, miközben piramisok és templomok épülnek az istenek tiszteletére, akik élnek is hatalmukkal. Az emberek között múmiák, óriásskorpiók és szfinxek is felbukkannak. Vajon ki nyeri ezt a küzdelmet? Az istenek háborúja A Kemet egy harci stratégiai játék...
Kemet társasjáték 12000 Ft-tól! - 6 felhasználó árulja ezt a játékot!
"War is merely the continuation of policy by other means." —Carl von Clausewitz, On War, published 1832 Your goal in The March of Progress is to control countries through the playing of action cards so that you generate victory points (VPs) during scoring. Whoever has the most VPs at the end of the game wins. In the game, each side has a hand of eight...
The third edition of Fury of Dracula features all-new art and graphic design crafted to complement the game's intuitive, thematic mechanisms. Rounds are now broken into day and night, with hunters taking actions during both, while Dracula can act only at night. Combat is more streamlined and decisive, and new rumor tokens allow Dracula to mislead hunters...
Called to an exclusive competition on an offshore oil rig by an eccentric billionaire, the world's best brawlers, and martial artists will compete for lavish prizes and the glory of proving that they are the strongest and most skilled. In Combo Fighter you will play as one of these fighters competing to become the ultimate champion. You will have your own...
Ancient Civilizations of the Inner Sea lehetővé teszik az ókori Földközi-tenger nagy civilizációinak létrehozását vagy meghódítását egy játékalkalom alatt, egyedül vagy akár öt fővel - anélkül, hogy egyetlen kockát is kellene hajítanod! Építs nagyszerű csodákat a békés, virágzó, kereskedelmi birodalom felemelésére - vagy zsákmányold ki a városokat, és...
Welcome to Rocca Civetta, a charming town in the Italian hinterland, which hosts one of the most bizarre universities that the human mind has ever conceived. In fact, this university hosts the chair of Dungeonology, which deals with the study of the environments and organization of different cultures, especially the most atypical and strange... almost...
Dungeonology: the Expedition társasjáték 20000 Ft-tól! - 1 felhasználó árulja ezt a játékot!
Impulse is a quick-playing 4X (explore, expand, exploit, and exterminate) game set in space with the game board being composed of cards that have actions on them. Players also have cards in hand, and in addition to featuring one of ten possible actions, these cards have a color (red, yellow, blue or green) and a size (1, 2 or 3, as indicated by the number...
The shifting Warp Storms that surround the long lost Herakon Cluster have finally abated, leaving the ancient treasures and planets within this sector open to the rest of the galaxy. Now, the great factions of the galaxy mobilize their fleets and race to establish a foothold. The reward for successful domination surpasses all other concerns, and the price...
Miután megbirkóztál az orosz fronttal a No Retreat! széria első felvonásában, a harci játékok szerelmese és tervezője, Carl Paradis újra elmerül a háborúk ezen izgalmas időszakában: Absolute War! The Russian Front 1941-45. Ez a két fővel játszható háborús játék új módon eleveníti fel a náci Németország megszálló hadseregei és a Szovjetunió közötti titáni...
A fast and fun WW2 fighter plane combat game. Simple rules that fit on a single page. All you need is an ordinary deck of playing cards which are used to determine possible manouvres, a few model planes (flat counters included if you don't have those yet), some friends that don't mind being shot down and a ruthless, killer instinct! Optional rules allow...