Team up to stop climate change and restore our Green House. Avoid bankruptcy, hopelessness, or over-pollution by playing real world solutions in the face of familiar climate events. Green House is a turn-based cooperative card game where each player starts by drawing and revealing a climate event card (like hurricanes, disease outbreaks, wildfires, etc.)...
Grendha: Origins Expansion is the prequel of Grendha: Search for Lost Triumphs. The Origins is a wondrous story of Arnorus's fight between vicious predators of Meru and with his confederates Mirgoth, Kondu, and Genu. Grendha: Origins gives a sneak-peek into both Arnorus and Meru's past. This addon is a standalone game and an entirely co-op/solo gameplay...
Grid blocked is a fast paced 2 to 8 player game where players take turns rolling the dice and placing tiles to create different patterns. Players that get the best combo of shapes boost their points. Players interact with one another with their actions to get the most points each round. The first player to reach 100 points wins. —description from the...
There's not much to say: It's Football. Everyone wants to play football, but this board game is the first true simulation of American Football. You can run or pass the ball or make any play that you see on a standard American football game on television. Every play develops naturally. You can run the ball or pass the ball on any play. It is like playing at...
Once upon a time, a nobody went out into the wide fairy tale world to escape from his dreary everyday life and become somebody. Be that nobody and become a somebody. Grim(m) World is a solo open-world card game set in the fairy tale world of the Brothers Grimm. Here you play an ordinary person who sets out to experience adventure. The player is not told...
The Bowman and the Magic Bow is the first mini expansion for Grim(m) World - Erste Schritte. This expansion consists of 9 cards and includes a new rumor. Start your search for the components to make a Magic Bow. In this expansion, this new rumor will be offered in the Taverns, which leads to a quest where the player can try to find the components for a...
An eventful journey through the 4 seasons. Almost 150 events can influence this trip. Who will manage to get the most points despite all the hurdles? Players roll dice to move around the board and pick a card from the stack color coded to match the spot they have stopped in. Each card presents a hurdle and assigns points. The first person to land on the...
On the modern battlefield, military units face off against each other, the terrain, and the elements. Carve out the best strategy to navigate the terrain and build structures to control land. But be on your guard! Pitfalls await you around every turn, and your entire strategy can quickly unravel… Ground Assault® is a military-themed game where two to four...
In Grunling: Fantastic Fruits, players take turns building the most valuable set of Grunlings, each with unique scoring methods. Many Grunlings prefer to be collected in sets, and some sets are modular, varying from game to game to keep things fresh. Each turn presents tactical choices, from playing Action cards and managing your Fruit Basket to drawing...
Guardians of Fire is an immersive combat exploration game for 2-5 players set in mythological ancient Persia. It challenges 4 Heroes in chronicled adventures against the Angra Mainyu, the source of all evil. The game system is an RPG / Dungeon-Crawl. There are six missions, and after each event, each player can improve their abilities and get more gifts....