Text from introduction: The starry sky is full of lore and legend. Learning about the constellations, or star patterns, is often a first step into amateur sky watching and ultimately the study of astronomy and space science. In Constellation Station you will encounter interesting information about the stars and constellations while you are enjoying the...
In the collaborative space adventure game Contact, you follow a signal while knowing neither exactly where it comes from, nor who sends it out. This signal wants to lead you to a certain planet, but instead of space coordinates, you receive only a strange sequence of flight instructions for your spaceship. Can you identify the right target planet from this...
A galaxist a központi világok uralják, ám ez nem tarthat örökké. A peremvilágok barbár birodalmai gyülekeznek, fejlődnek és megindulnak a belső területek felé. Vajon sikerül lerombolni a mostani rendszert? Ha sikerül, akkor ki lesz az új uralkodó? Hamarosan kiderül… A világ közepén A Core Worlds egy sci-fi kártyajáték, melyben mind egy-egy fejlődő...
A birodalom összeomlott a barbárok támadásai alatt, ám nem tűnt el minden hatalom a térségből. Hat nagy erővel rendelkező független csoport még megmaradt, akik eszközeikkel bármit elérhetnek. Sikerül a segítségükkel hatalomra törnötök vagy elbuktok? Csak rajtatok múlik! A Rend megmaradt képviselői A Core Worlds első kiegészítője számos újdonsággal szolgál...
The Supreme Monarch gazed out his palace window, trembling with rage at the galaxy that had forsaken him. For long months he had retained his people's allegiance by branding his enemies as barbaric invaders, as marauders whose only goal was to plunder and ravage his empire. But now reports were spreading that these invaders were rebuilding their conquered...
These five Core Worlds promo cards are part of the Promo Pack A of the Dice Tower Season 11 Kickstarter. There is one card for each of the five Galactic decks. All cards are suitable to be used with just the base game or with any combination of the Galactic Orders and Revolution expansions. The cards are I - Tower Fanatics (Infantry unit), II - Immolation...
"Rejoice, for the signs are clear. The presaged time has come. All shackles of caste and clan exiguous now. Goyum beckons and the faithful gather. Now, we must travel... COREWARDS." A lore-heavy game set in an original semi-hard sci-fi universe, this game focuses on a card-based travel mechanic, with players competing to reach the entity known as "Goyum"...
This mini-expansion contains 9 monumental tiles, 5 new basic workers and 5 new advanced workers. It's the original extra content that was created during the KS-campaign (and given for free to KS-backers) and will be available afterwards. You add as much monuments as there are players at the start of the game. If you can create the exact shape of a monument...