This cooperative game teaches peaceful conflict resolution techniques and anger management skills. Players work together to journey to Saturn. The journey is represented by a puzzle that must be assembled in the center of the board. Players earn puzzle pieces by answering questions about conflict resolution and complete their “mission” when they have...
Conquest is a strategic space exploration and conquest (naturally) game for 2-4 players. Each player starts in a system at a corner of the map and expands outward from there. Each player represents a different spacefaring race/organization - the Terrans, the Olso Empire, the Federation (changed to the Confederation in the second edition), and the Tholians...
The board displays thirty planets which are randomly connected by "warps" (the warps change each game). The game generally involves moving to planets with raw materials and transporting the raw materials to your home planet (or in some scenarios, to any home planet). Combat can occur between ships that arrive at the same planet, and some scenarios are...
A rare four-page rules update for the independently produced boardgame The Conquest of Space. The update includes new scenarios, rules corrections, and variant rules. The rules modifications include changes to scenario conditions, a rule to deal with "closed loops" in warp connections, and an optional rule for technology improvements. Two new scenarios are...
Conquest of the Stars is a strategy card game for 2-4 players where the goal is simple: you are out to capture more planets than your opponents. Of course your opponents are trying to do the same thing, so it's not going to be easy ... Each turn you draw cards to add to your fleet, then explore to find a planet. You will decide how much of your fleet you...
In Constelaciones, we have to get on our space rocket and navigate the universe to complete our mission to get the stars and form our constellation. In a 20x20 grid, stars and comets will be randomly placed. Each player will have a mission to visit 3 numbered stars. On the first turn, players will take 2 Movement cards, and in each following turn, just one...
Each player has 10 pieces: the 9 planets and the Sun. The aim of the game is to move your planets (including the Sun) to form triangle, quadrangle, and pentagon constellations with your opponent's planets. For each constellation formed, you may take one of your opponent's planets in that constellation. You win the game when you form a constellation with...
Did you know the constellations are grouped by astronomers into families - like the Hercules, Heavenly Waters and Ursa Major families - whose members are in the same region of the night sky? Constellation Connect! is a stellar variation of Go Fish Children explore the stars and collect star points while learning major regions of the night sky. Special...
Text from introduction: The starry sky is full of lore and legend. Learning about the constellations, or star patterns, is often a first step into amateur sky watching and ultimately the study of astronomy and space science. In Constellation Station you will encounter interesting information about the stars and constellations while you are enjoying the...
In the collaborative space adventure game Contact, you follow a signal while knowing neither exactly where it comes from, nor who sends it out. This signal wants to lead you to a certain planet, but instead of space coordinates, you receive only a strange sequence of flight instructions for your spaceship. Can you identify the right target planet from this...