Xeno Counterstrike is the sequel to Xeno Invasion, together forming the 3rd arc of RFTG expansions. It expands Race for the Galaxy into the starry rift frontier and border zone that lies between the galactic empires and the Xeno hive worlds, with more than 40 frontier worlds (in separate decks) and a different risk/reward method of settling them. The...
Roll for the Galaxy: Terraforming Colony/Diversified Economy Promo Tile is a new mini-expansion tile for Roll for the Galaxy. Terraforming Colony - A blue world with the ability: Gain $2 and a Novelty (cyan) good on this world when you place it. Diversified Economy - Produce: At the end of this phase , gain +$ equal to the number of goods you produced on...
Can you win the space race to the intergalactic space station? From fiery Mercury, beyond Pluto and into the depths of space, you and up to 5 friends must battle past asteroid storms and alien ships to reach the space station with life-saving supplies! Contains board, 6 space shuttle markers, spinner and electronic dice. A variant of snakes and ladders...
The purpose of this spin and move vintage space exploration game is to travel to as many planets as possible on the playing board starting at the rocket launching platform spot. The planets are located around the edge of a Monopoly style layout. Each player receives the celestial currency called Celestros upon visiting a planet. Players can encounter...
A children's space themed board game played by moving playing pieces along numbered squares till they reach the moon. Starting from earth, the first to get to the moon is the winner. Along the way players will encounter picture squares which have either set back or speed up their travel. Playing pieces are simple counters and the board has graphics very...
A spin and move game to see who can reach the moon first. Produced in 1959 possible as a supplement or to promote Dell Comics. Players follow their individual paths from the Launch platform on earth to the moon, moving by the count of a spinner. A player may encounter setbacks and advances as they proceed along their path. A number of space stations along...
Race to the Moon is a two-player competitive deck-building game set in the historic Space Race. The players take the roles of the USA and the USSR as they try to be the first nation to land a man on the moon. Players begin with similar but asymmetric decks, unlocking new cards that can be acquired as they advance in science and technology. —description...
The year is 2169 and mankind has pretty much filled up the Earth. It has been 200 years since man first set foot on the Moon. Now there are cities on the Moon and Mars, and mining communities in the asteroid belt. But our Solar System is just the beginning. It might be home, but Earth is the only truly hospitable planet nearby. However, recent...